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Doubt is a Tiefling wizard with a brooding presence. His dark horns and piercing eyes reflected the weight of the power he wielded, and his mastery over the arcane was unmatched. his name is known and respected by the denizens of the Cursed Union, a testament to the fear and reverence they hold for his immense power.
  He had acted as a guardian of Malicity, protecting the city from celestial purges, but with the death of his ally Cadran at the hands of Scarlet and her gang, The Red Claws, Doubt had retreated to his tower, consumed with finding a solution to the chaos that threatened his home. The group encountered him in his library, where they found him searching for his missing spellbook, brought to life by the preparations he had made for a ritual to resurrect Cadran. Despite the chaos that surrounded him, Doubt remained steadfast in his determination to protect the city and those who called it home.


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