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Envy is a tiefling with tainted skin, sharp features, and piercing red eyes. His lean frame is covered in tight-fitting leather armor, and he carries a variety of knives and daggers on his person. His movements are graceful and precise, and he exudes an air of confidence and professionalism. Despite his reputation as a ruthless killer, Envy is always cool and collected, never allowing his emotions to get the better of him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Envy was born into a family of tiefling outcasts living in the sewers beneath Pikeston. His parents were thieves and con artists, and they raised him to be the same. From a young age, Envy was taught the ways of the criminal underworld, and he quickly became skilled at deception and manipulation. He was also trained in combat, learning how to fight with a variety of weapons and tools.   Envy's parents were eventually caught and executed for their crimes, leaving him alone and without a home. He was forced to survive on his own in the dangerous streets of Pikeston, using his skills to steal and con his way into a living. Over time, he became one of the most feared and respected assassins in the criminal underworld, taking on any job as long as the pay was good.   Despite his success, Envy was never truly happy. He was haunted by his past and the knowledge that he was a pariah in the eyes of society. He longed for acceptance and a sense of belonging, but he knew that he would never find it among the humans of Pikeston.   One day, Envy was hired by Aresh, the leader of the Waterpikes, to assassinate a rival gang leader. He completed the job with ease, but was betrayed by Aresh, who had him arrested and imprisoned. Envy spent months in a tiny cell, tortured and alone, until the TharrowThorn Company rescued him.   Now, Envy has a chance to start over.
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