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Tieflings are a race born of the darkness, their bodies bearing the marks of infernal magic that has twisted them in visible and other ways. With their devilish horns, barbed tails, or strikingly colorful skin, they are both beautiful and fearsome to behold. Though they are descended from mortals, they are marked by their otherness, and often face fear and prejudice from those who cannot understand their cursed nature. But despite the hardships they face, tieflings possess a fierce and tenacious spirit, and their quick wit and cunning have helped them to survive in a world that seeks to extinguish their flame. Some have found a home in the Cursed Union, banding together with other races changed by infernal magic to create a community of outcasts and survivors, while some others have returned to their home of The Vessel in the Commonwealth. But no matter where they call home, tieflings are a race that is as fascinating as it is misunderstood, their devilish nature concealing a deep well of complexity and emotion.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Tieflings grow and mature at a rate similar to their original species, regardless of their infernal or demonic attunement. They go through the same stages of development, from infancy to adulthood, experiencing the same milestones as their non-transformed counterparts. However, as they age, they often display physical changes that reflect their infernal nature, such as the growth of horns and tails, or changes in the color of their skin or eyes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tieflings have a distinct taste for meat and often prefer it raw or lightly cooked. Their infernal nature has given them a hearty appetite and they require a high-protein diet to maintain their strength and vitality. Many tieflings are skilled hunters and are not afraid to get their hands dirty when it comes to acquiring food. However, their unique dietary needs have often led to misconceptions and stereotypes about tieflings being savage and uncivilized. Despite this, tieflings have learned to adapt to their circumstances and are often quite creative in their culinary pursuits, experimenting with different types of meats and spices to satisfy their appetites.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tieflings possess keen senses that allow them to perceive the world in a unique way. They can see in low-light and complete darkness with ease, granting them an advantage over those who rely on conventional sources of light.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The naming traditions of tieflings are as diverse and multifaceted as the individuals who bear them. Some tieflings retain the names of their original species, a nod to their heritage and a connection to their past. Others, however, choose to reject their old names and instead adopt new ones that reflect their current identity. These names are often powerful and evocative, representing virtues like Courage, Wisdom, and Hope, or embodying abstract concepts like destiny or transformation. In this way, tiefling names serve not only as a means of identification, but also as a reflection of the individual's personal journey and the values they hold dear.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

As a diverse group of beings, tieflings speak a variety of languages, with many retaining their previous tongues from before their transformation. However, in areas where the Infernal Dominion holds sway, Infernal is the dominant language.

Common Etiquette Rules

Tieflings, the Infernal  descendants of humanoids, are known for their striking appearance and unique culture. Their etiquette is a reflection of their heritage, with an emphasis on formality and control. Tieflings place great importance on maintaining a calm demeanor and avoiding impulsive actions, as a display of their ability to resist the infernal temptations that are part of their lineage. They also value individualism and personal freedom, while still adhering to the expectations of their community. In interactions with others, tieflings tend to be polite and courteous, yet guarded, as they are keenly aware of the potential for discrimination and mistrust towards their kind.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

One of the most important aspects of tiefling culture is their celebration of individuality and self-expression, as they value personal freedom above all else. They often adorn themselves in vibrant colors and intricate patterns, reflecting their unique sense of style and creativity. Tieflings also place a high value on community, and often come together for festivals and celebrations, where they dance, sing, and revel in the company of their fellow tieflings. These gatherings are often marked by the lighting of candles and bonfires, symbolic of the inner flame that burns within each tiefling.


The history of tieflings is one of struggle and upheaval, shaped by the cataclysms that have repeatedly swept across their world. Born from the fires of infernal magic, they have faced discrimination and persecution at the hands of those who fear their otherworldly origins and hate the infernals.   The first Cataclysm saw the Infernal Dominion launch a brutal attack on the Central Domain, transforming prisoners into tieflings and unleashing armies of the damned. Even before their arrival, these armies of existing tieflings seemingly served them, their origin shrouded in mystery. Though the celestial portal eventually drove back the infernals, the scars of the cataclysm remained.   But tieflings are not mere victims of this violent past. They are a people who have learned to thrive in the shadows, to adapt and persevere despite the odds stacked against them. They have built communities and forged alliances, fighting fiercely to protect themselves and their loved ones in a world that is hostile to their very existence. The second cataclysm brought new horrors, yet through it all, the tieflings have persisted, banding together for survival and carving out a place for themselves in a world that is often hostile to their existence. Now, with the third cataclysm looming on the horizon, their fate hangs in the balance as they face an uncertain future in a world that is as dangerous as it is unpredictable.

Historical Figures

Tieflings have a long and storied history, filled with figures who have risen to great heights and overcome great adversity. Among these notable individuals is Different, the recent Mayor of Whiteharbor, who has become a symbol of hope and progress for tieflings across the Commonwealth of Humanity. Different's election marked a significant turning point for tieflings, as it signaled a shift in attitudes towards them and their role in society. Alongside Doubt, the powerful wizard who guards Malicity, the two serve as inspiring examples of the potential and value of tieflings in the Commonwealth, the Union and beyond.

Common Myths and Legends

Myths and legends surround tieflings, telling tales of their Infernal origins and Demonic powers. The Irenic Foundation says that they are born of a curse, that their appearance is a punishment for sins committed by them or their ancestors. Others claim that tieflings possess magical abilities that allow them to communicate with the infernal realms and bend the will of demons to their own. Whispers speak of ancient pacts with devils and dark rituals that grant tieflings their powers, shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Despite their struggles against discrimination and prejudice, tieflings remain a captivating enigma, steeped in myth and legend, with a power that is both alluring and terrifying.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo infernalis
A mortal Transformed through infernal or demonic attunement, or the child of two tieflings

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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