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Eos, the Fateweaver

Eos the Fateweaver, patron of the oracle Sepherim, is a Solar of great power and glory, said to be one of only twenty-four Solars in existence. Eos is known to serve under an exarch, though the details of their service and the identity of their superior are shrouded in mystery.   Eos' presence is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, with their towering form radiating a blinding light that can drive even the bravest mortals to their knees. They are a being of pure celestial energy, their body appearing as a shining mass of stars and light, with streams of glittering stardust swirling around them. Their face is wreathed in a serene, almost beatific expression, and their eyes are filled with an otherworldly wisdom that mortals can barely comprehend.   Eos is known as the Fateweaver, a reference to their incredible power to see into the future and manipulate the threads of fate. They can peer into the strands of time and discern the fate of mortals and even entire civilizations. Through their guidance and intervention, Eos can steer events towards a brighter and more prosperous future, or towards inevitable doom.   Eos' teachings are centered around embracing the natural order of the universe, and upholding the tenets of righteousness and justice. They are deeply committed to the cycle of life, seeing death as a natural and necessary part of the greater tapestry of existence. Eos has a particular hatred for the undead, whom they see as an abomination that disrupts the natural order and must be eradicated at all costs.   Eos is also a patron of those who seek to make the most of every moment, encouraging mortals to seize the day and live life to the fullest. They teach that the path of righteousness is always worth pursuing, even in the face of overwhelming adversity, and that the solars show the way to a better world.   The oracle Sepherim is one of Eos' most gifted followers, holding the power to peer into the strands of time and divine the fate of individuals and nations. She is known to use her magical abilities to view into the future and offer guidance and counsel to those in need.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Cycle of Life: The great tapestry of life is woven by the gods themselves, and all living things are but threads in its intricate design. Embrace the beauty of life in all its forms, and honor its passing through the wheel as part of the natural order of things. But beware the undead, for they disrupt the balance of the universe and must be vanquished.
  • Seize the Moment: Time is a fleeting and precious commodity, and every moment should be treasured. Carpe diem, seize the day, and make the most of the time you have. For it is only by embracing the present that we can build a better future.
  • Do What's Right: The path of righteousness may be difficult, but it is always worth pursuing. The solars show us the way, and it is our duty to follow in their footsteps and do what is right, even in the face of adversity. For only by upholding our moral code can we hope to build a better world.


Eos, the Fateweaver


Towards Sepherim




Towards Eos, the Fateweaver


Divine Classification
Aligned Organization


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