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Indifference is a Harbinger of the End, a powerful Demon that originates from a realm beyond the mortal plane. It is known for its apathetic and detached nature, feeding off of the apathy and disinterest of mortals to gain power.   Indifference is a master of subtlety, able to infiltrate and organizations and individuals without them even realizing it. Its power grows as more people become disengaged and apathetic towards the world around them.   In addition to its ability to manipulate and deceive, Indifference is also known for its ability to detach mortals emotionally from their own suffering and that of others, making it a particularly ruthless and uncaring demon. It is often in competition with other Harbingers of the End like Solitude, who also feeds off of negative human emotions. Indifference's actions can erode the foundations of society by undermining the collective will to take action and make change, and it can erode individual's willpower, making them lose their motivation and drive to make a difference in the world.


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