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Khell-Thoram Pact

The Khell-Thoram Pact is an alliance between two major clans of dwarves who leads their own cities.   The Dwarves have a caste system where each clan has titles that determine which roles they can take, this leads to high expertise of dwarven workers, as each family passes on knowledge of the trade each generation.    The castes are as follows
  • Noble;
  • Warrior;
  • Smiths;
  • Artisan;
  • Merchant;
  • Mining;
  • Servant &
  • Casteless.
  Believing in the purity of the dwarven spirit, they believe that non-dwarves or caste-less shouldn't be allowed into their cities other than in emergencies. They also believe that those who choose to leave their cities to the outside world do not represent the dwarven spirit, and will likely lose their caste and their families might as well. During the past two cataclysms, the dwarves have lent their warriors to defending the Northern Empires. The Dwarves have hit hard times within recent centuries, after losing many soldiers to Infernals, when their previous capital was attacked by a dragon, who had detected the treasure they hoarded. After their network was disrupted, the corrupted elves, the drown, upon being refused entry to Thigdun, the drown forced their way in, leading to the Massacre of Thigdun. Over the period of a few years they had lost over half of their cities and a majority of their lands. Yet still their will is unbroken. The remaining clans: Khell of Heghgolar, and Thoram of Vulkahm made a pact through marriage to join their clans into a new dwarven kingdom.


Heghgolar  Vulkahm
Geopolitical, Co-rulership
Related Species


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