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  Dwarves are a stout, hardy race known for their strong bodies, sharp minds, and industrious nature. Dwarves are most commonly found in the Khell-Thoram Pact, a dwarven kingdom located in the northern region of the Central Domain They are skilled craftsmen and artisans, and are renowned for their ability to create beautiful and intricate works of art from a variety of materials, including metal, stone, and wood. Dwarves are also skilled miners, and they are known for their expertise in extracting and refining valuable minerals from the earth. Dwarves are known for their love of tradition and their strong sense of community. They value loyalty, honor, and duty, and are fiercely protective of their families and clans. Dwarves are also known for their love of food and drink, and are famous for their hearty feasts and elaborate brews.   Dwarves are usually short, standing at around 4 to 4.5 feet tall, and they are stocky and muscular. They have rugged, weathered faces and long, flowing beards, which are a source of pride for many dwarves. Dwarves tend to have dark hair and eyes, and they often have ruddy or bronzed skin. They live long lives, with many dwarves living well over 300 years.  

Their Isle and the Sunscarred

  One of the most distinctive aspects of the Dwarves is their cultural fear of the sun. This fear stems from a tragic event in their history, when an entire floating island of Dwarves fell from the sky, killing many of their people and leaving the survivors scarred and traumatized. Since that time, the Dwarves have lived in fear of the sun and its power, and they avoid exposing themselves to its light whenever possible. Those who are directly touched by the sun are known as the sunscarred, and they are often viewed with suspicion and mistrust by other Dwarves. Despite this fear, the Dwarves are a resilient and determined people, and they have managed to rebuild their society and continue to thrive despite the many challenges they have faced.  

Relation with the Drow

    Dwarves have a deep-seated hatred of the Drow, stemming from a recent and devastating betrayal by the Drow came in the form of the Massacre of Thigdun, where a Drow legion turned on their allies and stormed the isolated city of Thigdun, killing many Dwarves and taking the city for themselves. The Dwarves have not forgotten this betrayal, and they harbor a fierce hatred for the Drow to this day. They often find each other in the old tunnels around Dhogduar that leads to constant clashes.  


  The Duergar, also known as gray dwarves, are a sinister and reclusive offshoot of the dwarven race. They are smaller and weaker than their surface-dwelling kin, but they make up for it with their dark powers and cunning intelligence.   The Duergar are a deeply superstitious people, and they are known for their extensive rituals and sacrifices to the dark deities they worship. They believe that the only way to survive in the harsh underground world is to appease these deities, and they will stop at nothing to do so.   The Duergar are skilled craftsmen, and they are known for their expertise in forging and smithing. They often create intricate and ornate weapons and armor, which they use to defend themselves against their many foes in the underground tunnels.   Despite their reputation as being cruel and heartless, the Duergar do have a strong sense of community and loyalty to their kin. They will do whatever it takes to protect their clans, even if it means sacrificing their own lives.   Many Duergar are born into slavery, and they are often used as labor in the underground mines and forges. Those who manage to escape their chains and gain their freedom often become fierce warriors, using their skills and knowledge to fight for their freedom and the freedom of their kin.

Articles under Dwarf


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