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Prelude to the Present: Session 07 - Fungal Forest

Written by Soph

General Summary

Written by Beihlur Stovug   After going through the fungal forest, we decided to continue our journey on the safer road. We come across a bridge, after which there is a little desolate house. Quite unusual, I thought, as usually humans set up within their city walls.   Approaching the person who resided in that place, I had found him to be a little... odd. He told us that the people coming through these parts became more sparse lately. 12 hours ago there was a loud noise, which he described in unnecessary detail as sounding like a storm inside of a ship. He also gave us his journal, in which there was a drawing of a winged creature with a sword. He didn't seem to be particularly skilled in the art of representing form on paper, as it looked as though a six year old child could've depicted it better. Further he reported some people from up north were asking him about the creature half an hour ago, apparently it did some damage there too.   As I was getting ready to wrap up and leave, Amdhi seemed to be fascinated by the man's bald head. Reaching out to touch it, the man gets scared of the pale blue skin us Air Genasis share and asked us to leave, as he turns to continue chopping some wood.   Out of nowhere, we get attacked by a small swarm of seemingly bloodsucking creatures, as they try to penetrate our skin with their proboscis. In addition there was a giant, seemingly fully grown version of it, with a Goblin on its back. With no second thought we started to take them out one by one.   Judging from what the Goblin was muttering under its breath, it was out to kill us, as we killed his king and through him killing us he would become the new royal ruling his unruly subjects. After that was dealt with, we went straight up north.   We came upon a group of three barns, on fire and damaged otherwise. Their fields seemed weirdly untouched. I decided to waste no time and levitated between the four humanoids which were standing outside the barns. I asked them, if a winged creature with a sword happened to have caused this atrocity. The Human of the four responds affirmatively, further adding that the creature went straight for their live stock and after headed west with a, now dead, pig. I made sure to take notes, to make sure I wouldn't forget any details. As I was turning back to hurry to my travel companions, the Orc stopped me, telling me I might want to ask the guards for further details in the Marsh-Al keep. I nod and relay the information to the others. We decide to go to the keep and follow the lead we have.   As we tried to seek out any guards in the pitch-black keep, Fish's Dragonborn pirate mate, Rhogar, approached him unexpectedly. Two of their other mates have been captured, as they were spotted in the vicinity of the destroyed village. They were taken and held responsible for the destruction. Fish and his mate decide to get their mates out, before they meet their unkind fate of a gallows. I tried to keep them from acting rashly, as we had the information and some proof on the matter to show they are innocent and being held wrongly. I asked them to let me try to speak to them first and if talks result in nothing, we can still liberate them by force. Fish agrees, as him and his mate stay back, hidden, and I levitate up a tower to speak to the guards. I explain the sightings of the devil, which I had confused with a demon, to my dismay. I must admit, they all look the same to me. I also add we have a demon hunter with us, to back up what I am saying. We agree to meet in the courtyard.   As we wait for the guards, I notice Amdhis robes sullied in mud. I decide not to comment on it, but I do wonder how he managed to do that in the short amount of time I wasn't with him.   I present the guard with my evidence, which included the poorly crafted sketch from the bald man. He doesn't take my proof serious and decides to add a pirate hat to the drawing to call the case closed. The sheer ridicule and disrespect made my blood boil a little, but I kept my composure. I showed him the journal, elaborated sightings from witnesses, but it meant nothing to him. After Amdhi asked the guard what proof he can present us with, he brushes it off as the fact that spotting the pirates in the general area of destruction was enough and they were criminals nonetheless, so that was reason enough for him to hold them accountable. I could not keep my head cool upon hearing his hugely unmethodical approach of deduction. I have spent years perfecting my method of research, finding patterns and proof, conducting conclusive experiments to back up my thesis and for this blockhead of a guard a mere coincidence was enough to come to a conclusion! Upon this sheer offence I summoned my Loombreaker to defend my principles.
Report Date
15 Mar 2023
Primary Location


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