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Prelude to the Present: Session 08 -Fish's Pirate's Log

General Summary

As told by Captain Scales on a Fish of the former Old Bessy   What an absolute shit show. Seriously, what is it with Humans and accusing pirates of everything? Regardless of their reasoning, the group and i made short work of those shitty excuses of guards, one even seemed to know me! Not that it mattered of course, just another yellow-belly bucking like a chicken till I put 'em out of their misery. Managed to save my crew mates in the end, though Twinkle Toes did seem to have a fun time flailing about like a headless goose, swinging his sword this way and that. Unfortunately it seemed like the day was not one for those of the feline kind, our dear Lion companion Princess heroically leapt into combat to help protect our group, but in a twist of cruel, cruel fate he was struck down. I feared i may have had a similar fate had it not been for my own quick thinking. Finally when the dust had settled we managed to stabilise Princess who i fear may have been a whisker away from death. Metal Man made a valid argument to rest in the keep, it was empty and easily defensible however Strings McGee wanted to move away to somewhere off road, arguing it'd have more cover. I swear had they argued much longer my winter coat may have grown in and fallen out by the time they'd finished! Alas we decided to move on to find somewhere to rest.     Just as i thought my feet may fall of from walking so much, lo and behold we found heaven. A quaint little tavern with ample lighting, plenty of booze and the one thing that mattered most in my time of need - MUGS. There were so many! All beautifully crafted from glass with an imprinted design on the Tavern's logo! They were absolutely exquisite, i just HAD to get my paws on some! Of course i am a generous Captain, so i took enough for my crew to each have one so we might share a celebratory drink once we acquired a new ship (this time it'd better have better storage, my last collection had outgrown it far too quickly.)   Satisfied with my... purchases, i accompanied the rest of the group in drinking this odd concoction named... Oh what was it... Tecoola? Takiller? Ah who cares, rum is the only drink that matters at sea anyway! Come morning we were all ready to set off for the city to cash in on the booty we'd collected from those pesky pesky goblins. Airhead seemed a little quieter than usual, normally he has some random questions to ask - sometimes stupid ones, but his naivete is oddly charming (I will personally see you die should you ever tell anyone i said that). Alas, we reached the strange city all to quickly for my liking, I've grown rather close to this ragtag group of buffoons, who knows they may someday make great pirates if they were to ever head down that route. Ears were exchanged for coin, Twinkle Toes got to meet a different kind of kitty, and Metal Man became Mini Man.   I must say, it's not very often i get to meet a group of curiosities quite like this, the sea damn sure never has anyone like them. I write this as i set sail for the first time in my brand new ship, Princess' Dream, and i wish all my best to my new friends.   Amdhi, keep your youth and hold onto it tight. Curiosity is one tricksy cat but i hope the satisfaction continues to bring you running right back.   Beihlur, though we did not speak much and almost got off on the wrong foot, i admire your confidence and prowess in battle. May your strings never fail you.   Kelbor, you really were a curiosity, should you ever desire to see how well a metal man like yourself would fair at sea don't hesitate to give me a call.   For now my friends, should you decide to bare yourselves to the cold cold hear of the sea, know that you will always have a friendly face amongst the cutting waves.   Until next time.   Fish.   P.S. Please give Princess plenty of love from me, i will know if you don't!
Report Date
16 Mar 2023
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