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Prelude to the Present: Session 15 - Amdhi's Journal

Written by James

General Summary

Written by Amdhi   Hello, how do I even start a diary entry? Welcome? Wait no one else should be reading though. No hold on what's the point in that, surely writing something down means you want other people to read it? Ground people are strange. Anyway how are you we did a lot of travling travelling the past few days, our destination is some elven place, I think.   We passed through a lot of country, it's quite pretty out here, we also came across another traveller on the road but he didn't really look very interesting, so we just ignored him. Uhhh what else... Oh yeah something really weird happened to me Beihlur and Kelbor one night, we all had the same dream of a violinist playing the same melody, it was a quite nice elven piece, must mean we're heading the right direction I guess. I thought it was caused by a restless spirit in the area, I tried to attune to it to find it so I could maybe help them, I couldn't find anything though the area was earily eeerily eerily void of ethereal presence. If I had more time I would have stayed to investigate further however we had to keep going.   After a while we came to a bridge, it was snowing, it's the first time I've seen real snow, fascinating. There was a big Ogre asking for a toll, I don't think he was very smart, for some reason I related quite strongly with him though... He was nice, we convinced him and his family to come see "the field of bridges with us" as payment for letting us passed. We've set up camp with them now, they snore really loud so I can't sleep, so I decided to start this diary, still don't think I'm doing this right... Either way, uh have a good time??
Report Date
15 Mar 2023


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