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Sire Ozul Denathrius

The Last Denathrius

  Nobody remembers the Denathrius family, not even the last living member, and head, of the family. Ozul Denathrius, once a noble, generous and merciful ruler. Now, he is an obsessive, power-hungry, deranged monster, that cares about nothing more than getting his hands on mythical artifacts that would grant him more power.   In his childhood, Ozul was privileged, receiving the best education and food that his parents could pay for. In his teens he studied hard and mastered swordplay, molding him into an intelligent but cunning young man, able to defend himself should the need arise. At the start of adulthood he traveled a lot, making friends along the way, friends that he would explore and travel with. On his travels, he heard a story of a mythical artifact that could make one immortal and grant them great power. This was of little significance to him at the time, no object like that could exist.   When he returned home one day, his parents had arranged for him to be married to the daughter of another noble family (Eilsys Silverdew). Ozul had little choice but to accept this marriage. Afterwards, he could no longer travel - he had more important matters to attend to, such as maintaining a family.   At the age of 31, he was made the ruler of his family, receiving the title of ‘Sire’. For four years he ruled well, his farms brought in more food than ever before, he had a son named Urzael, and maintained good relations with other noble families. However, all good things must come to an end, and after four years, everything went downhill.   Famine gripped the land, choking the life from the farms. Disease ran rampant throughout the starving livestock. His parents fell ill, dying shortly after. He sent workers to get food for them, but they fled with the gold he had trusted them with. With little food, and his coffers almost empty, Ozul placed the captain of his guard in charge, and left with three carts to get whatever supplies he could from the closest village.   A few days later, he returned to his home in flames, his family dead, and only a few hundred gold to his name. It was in this moment that Ozul turned from merciful, to ruthless. He ordered the immediate execution of any workers that dared to stay on his land - no matter whether they were involved or not. Afterwards, he sent his guards to track down and kill those that had fled. Soon, he began to realize how fragile his life was, at any moment it could be ended by disease or a knife through the throat. He remembered the story of an artifact that could grant immortality and power, so he researched this artifact, to locate its whereabouts.   Six years of research, and he finally located it. Hiring four mercenaries to guard him, he set off for the sunken temple that it was located. Eventually, he reached the artifact, his artifact, his destiny. Paranoia had been growing inside him, he believed the mercenaries were plotting to kill him and take the artifact for themselves, so he butchered them before they could get the chance to. The artifact was a gold-plated chalice, filled with a crimson liquid. He drank from the chalice, power surging through his body, but it wasn’t enough - he needed more. He searched around, finding dark clothes with steel armour strapped to it, along with a sword and a halberd. Something caused a cave-in, the exit to the surface was blocked, trapping Ozul in darkness.   It was 150 years before he felt the sharp sting of sunlight again. The way had been opened by two unsuspecting explorers. He killed them, taking their gold. Time had not been kind to Ozul, madness had rooted itself firmly in his mind. He had a deep obsession for artifacts that would grant him power. He needed them, all of them. Even worse, he had no memory of who he was, how long he had been trapped, or where he was. Occasionally, he has brief moments where he remembers people from his past. On more than one occasion, he has mistook people he has passed by, for old friends. All he knows is that he is of noble blood, and should be treated as such. He needed somewhere to live, to research the whereabouts of more artifacts, so he went in search of a home.   He found the ruins of his old manor house, located in the region now known as the Wetlands of Drakenheim, a place that was now a dense swamp/jungle. He hired workers to repair the manor house and furnish it for him. Upon its completion, he purchased as many books as possible that could contain information about more artifacts. He has spent the past 600 years researching and gathering as much information as he possibly can, which has been made difficult by the cataclysms he has lived through.   Yet, despite the constant setbacks caused by these cataclysms, Ozul has not given up. If anything, they've made him work harder. Pesky humans, elves and lizard folk have all sought to stop him, and have all met the same gruesome end, butchered by the stone gargoyles that guard his manor.   Now he has almost all of the information about the artifacts he needs, he just needs to locate them. Ozul's will is unbreakable, as unshakeable as a mountain; his acquisition of these artifacts is inevitable. Sire Denathrius seeks nothing less than total power and immortality, and none shall be permitted to stand in his way.


Sire Ozul Denathrius


Towards Eilsys Silverdew

Eilsys Silverdew


Towards Sire Ozul Denathrius



Towards Sire Ozul Denathrius


Sire Ozul Denathrius


Towards Buu



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