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Skypiercer Clans

Citizen Races:
  • Arokocra
  • Air Genasi
  • Avariel
  • Aarakocran
  • Primordial (Auran dialect)
  • Zephyr
  The Skypiercer clans are a nomadic people who inhabit the floating desert Isle of Zephyr and the surrounding sky isles. They are made up of three main citizen races: Aarakocra, Air Genasi, and Avariel. The Skypiercer clans are known for their strong connection to the skies and their reliance on flight for their way of life. They are a tight-knit community, with each flock made up of extended family groups and led by a council of elders.   The Skypiercer clans are deeply connected to the element of air and praise Ucaa, the great horned owl deity, as their patron. They believe in the power of the sky and the winds to guide them on their journeys and provide for their needs. They are skilled navigators and are known for their exceptional aerial abilities, using their wings or magical abilities to soar through the skies.   The Skypiercer clans are based on the floating Isle of Zephyr, which is home to the Sanctum to the Sky, a sacred place that holds the closed air portal. The Isle of Zephyr is also the birthplace of the Air Genasi, who are born with innate magical abilities related to the element of air. The Skypiercer clans are fiercely protective of the Isle of Zephyr and the surrounding isles, and they will go to great lengths to defend them from threats.   The main language of the Skypiercer clans is Aarakocran, but many also speak the Auran dialect of Primordial. They are known for their love of music and storytelling, and these oral traditions play a central role in their culture. The Skypiercer clans are a respected and influential force in the Central Domain, and they are always seeking new ways to defend and preserve their way of life.   The Skypiercer clans have a long-standing tradition of the pilgrimage, a rite of passage that marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood. During the pilgrimage, young Skypiercers are sent out on their own to explore the world and learn about their place in it. This can be a dangerous journey, as the young Skypiercers must navigate the dangers of the world and prove their worth. However, it is also a time of great personal growth, as the Skypiercers learn to rely on their own skills and abilities to survive. The pilgrimage is seen as a crucial part of the Skypiercer's development, and those who complete it are highly respected within their communities.  

The Skyborn and the Rooted

  The disagreement between the Skyborn and the Rooted is rooted in their different visions for the future of the Skypiercer Clans. The Rooted believe that the Skypiercer Clans need to adapt to the changing world and establish permanent settlements in order to better defend themselves against threats and take advantage of new opportunities for trade and diplomacy. They argue that the nomadic lifestyle is no longer sustainable in the modern world and that the clans need to embrace change in order to thrive.   On the other hand, the Skyborn believe that the nomadic lifestyle is an integral part of the Skypiercer Clans' identity and that establishing permanent settlements would threaten their way of life. They argue that the clans have always relied on their mobility and connection to the sky to survive, and that building permanent settlements would make them vulnerable to attack and cut them off from the natural world. They believe that the traditional ways of life are worth preserving, even if it means facing challenges in the modern world.   Both sides have their supporters within the Skypiercer Clans, and the disagreement between them has been a source of tension within the organization for many years. Despite this tension, however, both sides ultimately share a common goal: to protect the Skypiercer Clans and ensure their survival in a changing world.


The Skypiercer clans, formed by a collection of naturally flying races, are a nomadic people who owe their survival to the safety of few remaining Sky Isles which they see their survival in maintenance of. Each adolescent must complete a pilgrimage before they are considered an adult. They do not see objects as possessions for one to own, it often comes to a surprise how much ground dwellers will do to maintain their possessions.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe

Articles under Skypiercer Clans


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