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Squalor is a Harbinger of the End and demon that feeds off of poverty and inequality. It thrives on economic disparity and lack of resources, and will often use manipulation and deceit to keep people in poverty and suffering. Squalor is a master at exploiting the vulnerable and manipulating systems to maintain or worsen economic inequality.
  It is known for its ability to corrupt individuals and organizations that hold power over resources and wealth, such as governments and guilds, in order to further its own agenda. The presence of Squalor can be felt in areas of extreme poverty, where people struggle to access basic necessities, and in societies where wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few.
  Squalor is also known to be one of the most courted demons. Like a siren to sailors luring mortals hoping to escape poverty. But like a ship sailing foaming seas, these plans inevitably end with Squalor taking every comfort it granted.
  Squalor is often seen as a powerful demon, who is not only able to create suffering, but also to maintain it, by establishing poverty at the bedrock of cultures, making it one of the most feared demons by the mortals and fey.


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