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The Adventure So Far 15: You've Activated My Trapdoor

General Summary

The party's arrival in Pikeston was met with stealth and cunning, as they snuck into the Waterpikes' offices, A guard stood watch at the entrance, but with a flick of the wrist and a hushed incantation, Garrett silenced them forever. Ivasaar, Llywelyn, and Garrett wasted no time in searching for any valuable items or information, and their search led them to a small gem that proved to be the Treasure Hunters Temptation. Ivasaar knowingly gave it to Llywelyn, and the party continued their search, ultimately finding Aresh and her guards in a trapdoor beneath the Waterpikes' offices.   The party acted quickly and efficiently, dispatching Aresh in mere moments and taking the guards prisoner. As they searched the area, they discovered that Aresh had been searching for something, and her ledgers revealed a mysterious Pikeston Bank account that the Waterpikes had supposedly left behind. Garrett was skeptical of this claim, but Llywelyn's possession of the Treasure Hunters Temptation allowed them to sense the flow of thousands of coins and led the group deeper into the sewers beneath Pikeston.   Llywelyn's keen senses led them deep into the sewers beneath the city, where they faced a formidable foe in the Somberweave, a spider-like fey creature that preyed on travelers crossing between the Material Plane and the Feywild. The party engaged the creature in battle, ultimately emerging victorious and discovering the den where Ivasaar's Nanny had been held captive. They learned that the Somberweave's web led to The Domain of Nature, and from its lair, many other connections to its presumed hunting grounds. One such connection led to a boat in an underground cave, where they discovered the great horde of the Waterpikes.   But the victory was bittersweet, for the Somberweave's web led to a boat in a murky, oppressive cave. The Waterpikes awaited them, resurrected as an animated wave of coins, desperate to claim the Treasure Hunters Temptation. The battle was fierce and relentless, with torrents of coins and gems clashing against the party, but they emerged victorious, freeing the souls of the Waterpikes from their horde.   As they faced the Waterpikes once more, resurrected by unknown means as an animated wave of coins and gems, the group fought valiantly with fierce torrents of coins and gems clashing against the party. The Waterpikes were desperate for the Treasure Hunters Temptation, hoping to use it to free their souls from their binding to their horde. But in the end, the party emerged victorious, having freed the Waterpikes' souls and ensuring that they could move on to whatever afterlife awaited them.   Yet the Temptation still held power, and Llywelyn found themselves imbued by avarice, and Ivasaar was quick to realize what was happening. With Garrett's help, he held the gem overhead while Llywelyn readied themselves to strike. Just as they were about to make their move, Ivasaar shattered the gem with his rapier, sending a burst of light and force rippling through the horde. Llywelyn was freed from their avarice, and the horde was separated evenly among the party, who left with pockets full of gold and a new story to add to their adventures.
Central Domain Time: Descending Fiday of Valni the Hammer, 1636
Report Date
27 Feb 2023
Primary Location
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