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Thicketnips are a cunning and resourceful subspecies of goblins that inhabit the dense forests of the Central Domain. They are small and wiry, with mottled green and brown skin that allows them to blend in seamlessly with their natural surroundings. Their sharp senses and agility make them expert hunters and trappers, and they are known to use their environment to their advantage in order to capture prey. Thicketnips are highly adaptable, and can subsist on a wide variety of foods, from berries and nuts to small game and insects. Their shrewdness and resourcefulness also extend to their interactions with other races, as Thicketnips are known to engage in trade and bartering with neighboring communities. Despite their diminutive size, Thicketnips are formidable opponents, and should not be underestimated in battle. They often employ guerrilla tactics and ambushes to overcome their enemies, and their proficiency with ranged weapons makes them a serious threat from afar. All in all, the Thicketnips are a highly skilled and resilient subspecies of Goblin, perfectly adapted to thrive in the dense forests of the Central Domain.   Their homes are often cleverly hidden and booby-trapped, with narrow tunnels and winding paths that only they know how to navigate. Though small in stature, Thicketnips possess a fierce intelligence and resourcefulness that make them a force to be reckoned with in their forest domain. But woe to any unwary traveler who ventures into their territory, for these goblins will not hesitate to defend their home and hunt their prey with deadly precision.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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