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Benætha Læk

Rune Knight Fighter - Paladin

Lady Ilså Øwnkadøttir (a.k.a. Bee, Liså Njeukårr (formerly))

Played by Zack

Physical Description

Body Features

  • Broad shoulders
  • Muscular

Facial Features

  • Squared Jaw
  • Large tusks

Identifying Characteristics

  • Smeared make-up down her face

Special abilities

Martial Adept:
  • You learn two maneuvers of your choice from the Battle Master archetype. If the maneuver requires a saving throw, the DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).
  • You gain 1 superiority die (if you don't already have superiority dice, it is a d6). This die is used to fuel your maneuvers. It is expended when you use it, and is regained when you finish a short or long rest.

Specialized Equipment

Amaruzu, the Looking Glass - Greatsword made of Ostaran Glass Manifesto of the Forgotten Manifesto of the Spiral

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bee spent most of her life being prepared to take her mother's title as Baroness, and as such, she quickly learned how to hold her own in battle and in conversation. In her earlier years, she was well-behaved and worked hard on her studies, wanting to bring worth to her name through her achievements. However, her attitude shifted at age thirteen, after losing a portion of her family. Bee began to rebel and to question what she was taught through Orc society, which was only accelerated once she took possession of the hammer meant for her eldest brother. Due to this behavior, her mother kept Bee inside for five tears, continuing her social training at home while Bee "mourned". However, Bee refused to continue her battle training without her brother present. This would last until Bee obtained an application for Rampart Academy, submitting it in secret. Once accepted to the school, Bee confronted her mother with the choice and left for Rampart.


Bee has received basic tutoring and battle training since she was young. She has little to no knowledge of magic, despite her father being a Gaiamancer, due to her mother's extreme distaste for magic.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bee has currently completed a total of 6 Celebrations:
  • The choosing of her Fake Name (Liså Njeukårr)
  • The full growth of her Tusks
  • First unrivaled victory in combat
  • First social victory
  • Surviving her first major battle
  • The (controversial) choosing of her new Fake Name (Benætha Læk)

Mental Trauma

At age 13, Bee was on her way to bring her eldest brother, Sigurd, to his new home on Gröntfält, when their path between Vatteneik and Dromoga was blocked off by the aberrations inhabiting Dromoga. This caused the ships to reroute their journey to pass between Dromoga and Någon, where they were attacked by the aberrations. The Njeukårr ships were be victorious against the ships sent by Dromoga, but would not hold out versus the harsh winds of the Everstorm. Bee, her father, her brother Olin would be fished out of the sea by the aberrations, now stained blue from the harsh waters of the storm. Her other three family members were no where to be found. Bee and her remaining family were held on the island by the aberrations until her mother came to retrieve them. When finding that half of her family was missing, Baroness Ownka would launch an attack on Dromoga's second largest settlement in retaliation.

Personality Characteristics


To give Sigurd back his hammer.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes books, fighting, and learning about others.
Dislikes being forced to do things and people assuming things about her.


Family Ties

Bee is the sign of political marriage between her parents for the islands of Vatteneik and Gröntfält. Though this deal has fallen through with the disappearance of her brother, her mother and father have remained together. They are the Crown Family for Vatteneik.

Religious Views

Believes the Everstorm is a sentient force of nature

Social Aptitude

Due to her current disregard for social skills, Bee comes off as blunt and abrasive. In the past five years, her sense of manners have crumbled. Though she is not socially adept anymore, she does enjoy spending time with people.


Speaks bluntly and to the point, not afraid to state facts. Will preface before she states an opinion.  

Formerly known as Liså Njeukårr


Benætha Læk

Daughter (Important)

Towards Baroness Øwnka



Baroness Øwnka

Mother (Vital)

Towards Benætha Læk




Bee and Øwnka have had a rocky relationship since the incident, as Bee refuses to believe that her family is actually dead and Øwnka has been attempting to move her past it all. Øwnka sees Bee's rebellion as mourning, and has "granted" her 10 years to properly mourn before Bee must move forward.

Grimdark Nevermore

Kiri (Vital)

Towards Benætha Læk



Benætha Læk

Ilså (Vital)

Towards Grimdark Nevermore




Nicknames & Petnames

"Girlfriend" is more of a petname than an actual representation of their relationship, as both have agreed that going by societal labels for their feelings towards each other is stupid and confusing. They are 100% dating, yes, but they just say "girlfriend" when talking about each other to denote that to the rest of the world-- to one another, the 'title' itself means nothing.

Relationship Reasoning

They ground each other and get along without needing to try. Most of their free time during school is spent together. Being together is a lot like breathing for them-- something they do without needing to think about it. Overall, they just get each other.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Sparring, walking, cuddling, getting work done, calling each other by their true names when alone

Shared Secrets

Bee's true name and reading habits; Grim's numerous war crimes

Benætha Læk

Daughter (Important)

Towards Baron Snorri



Baron Snorri

Father (Vital)

Towards Benætha Læk




Feeling guilty for the situation that happened, Snorri began to dote on his daughter, much to her annoyance. While she loves her father, he can be a bit much sometimes.

Nicknames & Petnames


Benætha Læk

Adoptive Child (Important)

Towards Fargrim Frostbeard



Fargrim Frostbeard

Nanny (Important)

Towards Benætha Læk




Though not her actual parent, Fargrim has been the one to raise Bee for the most part. He was hired right before Bee's birth and has been living in their home for the whole duration. Bee would sooner turn to Fargrim for sincere talks than she would her own parents.

Benætha Læk

Sister (Vital)

Towards Sigurd Øwnkasønn



Sigurd Øwnkasønn

Brother (Important)

Towards Benætha Læk




Towards Benætha Læk


Benætha Læk


Towards Dovroth



Teacher (Vital)

Towards Benætha Læk


Benætha Læk


Towards Temperance


Benætha Læk

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Lillian Mirodatter



Lillian Mirodatter

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Benætha Læk



Hallbryn Sylvar

Boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Benætha Læk



Benætha Læk

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Hallbryn Sylvar



Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Daughter of Drowned
Year of Birth
10283 AC 20 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born as a symbol of her parents' Union
Ownkastad, Vatteneik
Parents (Adopting)
Lillian Mirodatter (Girlfriend)
Hallbryn Sylvar (Boyfriend)
Current Residence
Dyed black with white roots, kept in a long braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Blue
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Orc, Giant

  • 10278 AC

    Eldste Bror
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Sigurd Øwnkasønn, eldest of his mother's prior marriage.

  • 10281 AC

    Political event

    The divorce of Baroness Øwnka from her current spouse for the sake of a union with Baron Snorri.

  • 10281 AC

    Rotte Bror
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Ølin Øwnkasønn, eldest of his father's prior marriage.

  • 10282 AC

    Political event

    The divorce of Baron Snorri from his current spouse, at the behest of his house, for the sake of a union with Baroness Øwnka.

  • 10282 AC

    Life, Career

    The employment of Fargrim Frostbeard as the official nanny to care for the newly expected child of Baroness Øwnka and Baron Snorri.

    More reading
    Fargrim Frostbeard
  • 10283 AC

    14 Virinia (2) 04:00


    The union of Baroness Øwnka and Baron Snorri.

  • 10287 AC

    Liten Stjerne
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Auda Øwnkadøttir, second-born of House Øwnka.

  • 10287 AC

    14 Virinia (2) 03:00

    Liten Safir
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Ilså Øwnkadøttir, 3rd child of House Øwnka but first-born of Baroness Øwnka and Baron Snorri, to represent their union.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk
    Additional timelines
  • 10290 AC

    10297 AC

    Life, Education

    The combat training for the newly named Liså Njeukårr under her brother Sigurd's tutelage.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk
  • 10290 AC

    Life, Milestone

    The ceremony celebrating the naming of Liså Njeukårr.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk
  • 10292 AC

    Liten Perle
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Ylva Øwnkadøttir, third-born of House Øwnka.

  • 10292 AC

    Life, Birth

    The birth of Saga Frostbeard, eldest Daughter to Fargrim Frostbeard

  • 10293 AC

    Life, Milestone

    The ceremony celebrating the growing of the tusks for Liså Njeukårr.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk
  • 10293 AC

    10301 AC

    Life, Publicity

    The social training for the newly tusked Liså Njeukårr under her mother Øwnka's tutelage.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk
  • 10294 AC

    Life, Birth

    The birth of Eerika Frostbeard, second Daughter to Fargrim Frostbeard.

  • 10295 AC

    Life, Milestone

    The ceremony celebrating the first unrivaled victory of Combat for Liså Njeukårr.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk
  • 10295 AC

    Tyde (6)

    Life, Birth

    The birth of Kenna Frostbeard, youngest Daughter to Fargrim Frostbeard.

  • 10296 AC

    Life, Milestone

    The ceremony celebrating the first social victory for Liså Njeukårr.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk
  • 10296 AC

    Sol (10)

    Military action

    The naval battle between the abberants and the fleet of House Øwnka, resulting in the capture of three members of the house.

  • 10296 AC

    k (11)

    Disaster / Destruction

    The deaths of Sigurd, Auda, and Ylva of House Øwnka; victims of the Everstorm.

  • 10296 AC

    l (12)

    Life, Milestone

    The ceremony celebrating the first major battle victory for Liså Njeukårr.

  • 10297 AC

    Life, Identity

    The delivery of Sigmund's requisitioned hammer, whose ownership was temporarily claimed by Bee, to House Øwnka.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk
  • 10297 AC

    Dawnir (1)

    Life, Milestone

    The unconventional (and ill-advised) renaming "ceremony" of Liså Njeukårr into Benætha Læk.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk
  • 10302 AC

    Life, Education

    Bee makes the decision to enroll into Rampart Academy and leaves for school in another country.

    More reading
    Benætha Læk


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