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Raphael Peacekeeper

Barbarian, Path of the Zealot

Raphael Peacekeeper (a.k.a. Raph)

Played by Clare

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Years and years of rigorous training has left him in peak physical condition.

Facial Features

Magenta-colored diamond on forehead

Identifying Characteristics

Huge bat-like wings

Physical quirks

Flares his wings when he is agitated

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raphael was created by the gods and sent to Olympia where he was raised as a baby in a militaristic family along side his sister, Angelica. Growing up in a strict home, his parents were not forgiving of mistakes. Raphael started military training as a child; his father believed that if you could hold a sword, you could fight. Raphael always had striven for his parents approval, though he never got it. As the young Aasimar grew, so did his skills in combat. He quickly became one of the most skilled warriors Olympia had to offer.   At the age of 18, Raphael had been chosen to lead a group of mercenaries who were tasked to do the bidding of the Gods. The group called themselves The Seven Virtues, with each member taking the title of one of the seven virtues, seeing Raphael take the title of Kindness along with the leadership position of the group. The group was mainly tasked with eliminating people designated by the Gods, regardless of who they were. Over the course of a decade, Raphael would continue to prove his prowess in combat, and would earn the title Wrath of The Gods.   After 10 long years of serving the Gods, Raphael and his team, whom he now considered family to him, were tasked with slaying a female high-elf who had committed unknown crimes. Upon finding the high-elf woman, Raphael felt an uneasy feeling forming in his gut. After asking the woman about the crimes that she was being charged with, he came to the realization that she was innocent of them. Raphael refused to kill the innocent woman, which shocked his companions. He ordered the group to return to Olympia with the woman to remain unharmed. Upon returning to Olympia, Raphael was immediately arrested and tried for treason, to which he was found guilty.   After spending a few weeks in solitary confinement, Raphael was exiled from Olympia. He was stripped of his leadership of The Virtues and was sent hurtling down to Hell. His silver, feathered wings burned during the fall, completely destroying the soft plumage of his wings and revealing a new, leathery set of bat-like wings. However, rather than falling to Hell, Raphael found himself crashing onto the Prime Plane, where he now resides.

Gender Identity



Extensive Combat Training


Mercenary of The Gods

Accomplishments & Achievements

Leader of The Seven Virtues

Failures & Embarrassments

Banished from his home

Mental Trauma

Childhood abuse, abandoned by his closest friend(s)

Morality & Philosophy

Most creatures are inherently good and deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Personality Characteristics


Prove to Olympia that he did the right thing; Have his own family

Likes & Dislikes

Loves cooking, though he's not very good at it

Virtues & Personality perks



Contacts & Relations

The Seven Virtues

Religious Views

None in particular

Hobbies & Pets

The Dough Boys (pack of Flying Monkeys): Sourdough, Brioche, Naan, Crouton, Pumpernickel


Alive Faux

Friend (Important)

Towards Raphael Peacekeeper



Raphael Peacekeeper

Friend (Important)

Towards Alive Faux



Raphael Peacekeeper

Companion (Important)

Towards Izsah Lovett



Izsah Lovett

Companion (Important)

Towards Raphael Peacekeeper



Raphael Peacekeeper


Towards Raja




Towards Raphael Peacekeeper


Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Wrath of The Gods
Year of Death
1600 AC
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the Gods.
Circumstances of Death
Deconstructed by Raja in the reconstitution pools and reforged into Thessteralé
Raja (Client)
Ocean Blue
Raven Black
6'6" (16' wingspan)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Don't touch my fucking girlfriend!"
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Infernal

Character Portrait image: by feyspeaker


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