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The Faux


The Family
Those who, regardless of magical ability, mortality status, or actual role within the organization, are considered important on a personal level to Cornelius Alive Faux. What they say and do are not to be interfered with, except by those also within the Family. They are not immune to being questioned, however, provided that whoever stepped forward and dared to speak had a decently logical argument. The most notable known members within this group are Lozhnyy Nazvaniye and Thessteralé, who are free to come and go anywhere on Risen as they please.

The Mentors
Those chosen or hired by the Family (most often by Cornelius Alive Faux himself) to teach. It's a highly respected position, often equated to that of an advisor. If the Family are kin to royalty, the Mentors are their right or left hands. The Mentors are the ones who ran the school and taught the classes. Only mentors are allowed to take an apprentice; permission to do so is not required, per se, but Cornelius Alive Faux must be notified of the change for record-keeping purposes.

The Volunteers
Those who have volunteered to test out more experimental magic. They are well-compensated for their contributions, regardless of the experiment taking place. Their place within the hierarchy is technically above to that of the students, but very few below the Mentor ranking have any knowledge of them. Experiments can range from testing grafts of organic prosthetics to pushing the limits of artificial life. Sometimes, volunteers working with specific experiments show exceptional talent and are given opportunities by mentors for additional study. It is entirely voluntary, and at any point those who are taking part may back out. Regardless of their testing status, however, those taking part are required to keep certain specifics of the experimentation process secret. This is ensured via contract.

The Students
Those who are learning from those within the Family, or the Mentors. The Students have their own hierarchy as well, entirely dependant on how capable they are at whatever it is they're learning. It's a merit-based system, entirely; though being allowed to learn itself is not restricted in the slightest, being chosen by a Mentor for specified training is. It's a great honor and exceptionally rare, given the ratio of students to teachers and how picky some of the Mentors can be. Students are not permitted to take part in the experimental studies unless granted express permission by Cornelius Alive Faux.

The Herd
Preciously deceased creatures with barely sentient or lower intelligence that inhabit the land. They are to aid in lectures and studies on Necromancy, but have little to no actual expected contribution otherwise. They are not permitted to leave the grounds of Risen, as they become little more than shambling monsters without the effects of the Faux Groves to keep them placated. While within Risen, however, the undead are almost entirely docile to those considered allies of The Faux. Most creatures within the herd are undead such as Zombies, Skeletons, Ghouls, Wights, and Liches-- there are, however, no actual spirits or ghosts that inhabit the land unless permitted by Cornelius Alive Faux, as nothing can stay dead within the bounds of Risen.


Very well-charged Chunk of Fortune, access to seemingly forbidden knowledge, ancient secrets, abominations against nature and life itself


The two branch families were slaughtered during the Scarlet Massacres by Erza Scarlet. The rest of the main Faux family vanished after Cornelius Alive Faux ripped open the dimension above the island of Cora and banished Apophis to the Outer Planes, rending his own soul in the process.

Technological Level


Foreign Relations

Doesn't ban visitors from coming, but the general atmosphere of the area makes others less likely to stop by. Most people would rather stay on the more 'natural' and living half of the island, devoid of all undead beings and overrun with nature, that is tended to by Camilla Fox.


Magic, with a specific focus on Necromancy, most often cast through Druidic means such as Gaiamancy.

Become the vessel that writes the story, not the pages on which it's penned.

1700 - 10286

Education, Magic
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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