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Henur operate as the Executive of each Cenedl, as well as the Cenedl representative at the Council of Ieswey.
It's at the Henur's discretion as to how they operate within their jurisdiction. Some maintain authority via militaristic means, but many delegate local leaders such as a Siryf to deal with day to day issues and keep the peace. Very few allow the people to elect their local leaders who then report to the Henur, and only one operates with Cenedl Council.  
Historically, the title and responsibilities of Henur have been passed down dynastically from the original Cenedl signatories on the Council of Ieswey Charter. However, there is one instance of an elected representative sitting at the council in place of the Henur, and there are a few examples of a Henur being ousted and replaced by the council.  
Council Replacement
There are two routes that would lead to the council replacing a Henur.
  1. A sitting council members may bring forth complaints to the council should one overstep their authority, or violate the charter
  2. The people of any given Cenedl may petition the council to replace their Henur
In either case, the charges are read, and both cases are pled to the council. Council members will then hold a vote of no confidence, and, should the vote pass, they will then determine the best successor.

Seal of the Henur

The seal is the symbol of the Henur and a signifier for council members. Many members wear it as a pendant, brooch or ring. It must be shown upon entry for each meeting of the Council of Ieswey, and must join the Cenedl seal on all official correspondence.

Articles under Henur


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