Cerin The first human king Arryn and the birth of the nation Arryn. The capital of Arryn is founded.

The first human king Arryn and the birth of the nation Arryn. The capital of Arryn is founded.

Political event


The first human king Arryn and the birth of the nation Arryn. The capital of Arryn is founded at the foot of the mountain, the first and largest city, named for the human king—Arryn. The first human king. The city of Arryn was a small town that once belonged to the lost race. it was chosen as it had strongest walls being made out of stone were most human town were made out of wood. King the first was a well know hero and war leader, his reputation was legendary. taking down two trolls with a small spear, and killing a mountain lion when he was a child. In his life time, he fought in many battles against the orcs and trolls, and led the human clans to victory. King the first was not a born king but a war hero that was given the honor by the people who followed him. it was also rumoured that he had defeated a Tengu blade master in single combat. King the First had one daughter and 13 sons, all of whom became war leaders and commanders of the growing kingdom. When he died, he was mummified, and his body was kept in the city so that future generations could come and pay homage. King the first was mummified, his body was wrapped in sacred red cloth, and he was buried in a large tomb. King the first is said to have the spirit of the Lion, he is the embodiment of courage and bravery.

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