Cerin History of Olenia Timeline

History of Olenia

Age of Myth

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Age of Myth is a time of lost histories, myths and legends. A time before time when Elves of Thalmor purged of the lost race which of the lost race that was is still in much debate. This time was full of mystery and magic that will forever be lost to us. But, as history goes, we have a very limited history of what the Age of Myth was like and even fewer of the people who lived during this time. The Thalmor are the only ones with this knowledge, and they are not sharing it. We may never know the truth, but here are some tales of this time and how the age of myth came to be the Age of Elves. All dates and stories of this time must be taken in as here say or legend. We have very little actual evidence of this time to go by, and most accounts are not written down. All the stories we have come from word of mouth and passing down of stories through family lines. The people who actually lived during this time are long since dead, so there is no way to confirm or deny these tales. In these stories, there are many names and characters; some names may have been changed or are from actual stories, and others are just made up to make the story easier to read. In no way do I claim that these are actual historical people. I'm sure some names or places will ring a bell to some, and others will sound familiar to you. But, no matter where this story comes from, one thing is certain: the Age of Myths was a time when great deeds were done and terrible atrocities were committed. But, it was also a time of legends. It was when gods walked the land and fought for power and glory. A time when magic ruled the world.

  • 200

    Faelyn Syllar, Last of the Great Kings, First Emperor of Olenia, Birth
    Life, Birth
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  • 50

    Abethel Syllar The Second Emperor Of Olenia The Worthy brith
    Life, Birth
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  • 30

    Ca'ain Syllar the Third Emperor of Olenia the Greedy Brith
    Life, Birth
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  • 8

    Arryn Gyrdsson Birth
    Life, Birth
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The Age of Elves

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Age of Elves is a time when the Elves was at its peak. The Elves were a magical people with a rich and long history. They were strong, proud, and intelligent. However, they were not without their faults. They were arrogant, haughty, and vain. They thought themselves better than the other races, and were often condescending towards those they considered inferior. They also had a strong sense of superiority over their own race. They saw themselves as the superior race, and believed that they were the rightful rulers of the world. The Elves also had a strong sense of nationalism and patriotism. They believed strongly in the superiority of their own race, and saw themselves as the chosen people of the world. Looking down at the other races below them, the Elves were arrogant and disdainful of them. They saw the humans as weak and ignorant, and the dwarves as stubborn and greedy. They thought of the Orcs as savage and barbaric and the Beastmen as uncivilized and unintelligent. Nothing to be enslaved, hunted or killed. They would not accept any race but their own. This attitude eventually led to their downfall. They became too arrogant and self-centred, and failed to see the danger that was lurking within and around them.

  • 1

    1 Unis

    creation The Variel Standard Calendar and Clock
    Technological achievement
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  • 25

    The loss of time, the great purge of the lost race
    Disaster / Destruction
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  • 30

    the first human elven war
    Military: War

    The elves start to attack the human tribes on the north border, which leads to the First War with three towns being taken over night

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  • 31

    The first human king Arryn and the birth of the nation Arryn. The capital of Arryn is founded.
    Political event

    The first human king Arryn and the birth of the nation Arryn. The capital of Arryn is founded at the foot of the mountain, the first and largest city, named for the human king—Arryn. The first human king. The city of Arryn was a small town that once belonged to the lost race. it was chosen as it had strongest walls being made out of stone were most human town were made out of wood. King the first was a well know hero and war leader, his reputation was legendary. taking down two trolls with a small spear, and killing a mountain lion when he was a child. In his life time, he fought in many battles against the orcs and trolls, and led the human clans to victory. King the first was not a born king but a war hero that was given the honor by the people who followed him. it was also rumoured that he had defeated a Tengu blade master in single combat. King the First had one daughter and 13 sons, all of whom became war leaders and commanders of the growing kingdom. When he died, he was mummified, and his body was kept in the city so that future generations could come and pay homage. King the first was mummified, his body was wrapped in sacred red cloth, and he was buried in a large tomb. King the first is said to have the spirit of the Lion, he is the embodiment of courage and bravery.

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  • 31

    10 Quine 06:00

    10 Quine 15:00

    Battle of River of Souls
    Military: Battle

    The first large-scale battle between elves and humans is fought at the River of Souls. The Arryn tribes have never fought a full army of elves before and are unprepared for the magic and archery. As a result, the humans are forced to retreat, and the first King Arryn is killed by an elven arrow to the neck. His son, the crown prince, manages to lead the surviving humans out of elven territory. The prince becomes the second king of Arryn and immediately begins to fortify the borders with trenches and defensive walls, as well as training the military and general populace in combat.

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  • 31

    10 Quine 12:00

    Arryn Gyrdsson Death
    Life, Death
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  • 31

    11 Quine

    The Thalmor celebrate their victory at the Battle of the River of Souls
    Cultural event

    The Thalmor celebrate their victory at the Battle of the River of Souls with feasts and ceremonies. They consolidate their forces and prepare for the next phase of their campaign.

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  • 31

    12 Quine

    The Thalmor Consolidate Their Forces on the River of Souls
    Gathering / Conference
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  • 31

    15 Quine

    Vekel Gyrdsson ascends to the throne
    Political event
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  • 130

    The Thalmor start there campaign into Leporines territory
    Military: War
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  • 1898

    Godric Rowena Brith
    Life, Birth
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  • 1900

    Penny Rowena brith
    Life, Birth
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  • 1930

    Life, Birth
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  • 1932

    Fletcher ROWENA BIRTH
    Life, Birth
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  • 1932

    Life, Birth
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  • 1933

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  • 1934

    Rebecca Rowena Birth
    Life, Birth
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  • 1935

    Life, Birth
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  • 1938

    Oliver Rowena Birth
    Life, Birth
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  • 1956

    ROWENA Turning
    Life, Supernatural
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  • 1956

    Life, Death
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Age of Empire

5201 5710

Age of Kingdoms

5710 and beyond