Cerin Battle of River of Souls

Battle of River of Souls

Military: Battle

10/5 6:00
10/5 15:00

The first large-scale battle between elves and humans is fought at the River of Souls. The Arryn tribes have never fought a full army of elves before and are unprepared for the magic and archery. As a result, the humans are forced to retreat, and the first King Arryn is killed by an elven arrow to the neck. His son, the crown prince, manages to lead the surviving humans out of elven territory. The prince becomes the second king of Arryn and immediately begins to fortify the borders with trenches and defensive walls, as well as training the military and general populace in combat.

Battle report   Participants: Norhaven Alliance Forces: King Arryn's Varuh Army Einar's Hrothgar Clan Astrid's Skjoldheim Clan   Elven Forces: Elven Spearmen Elven Archers Elven Spellcasters Ravenspire Clan Shadowleaf Clan   Battle Commencement:   06:00 - 08:00   The Battle of River of Souls commenced at dawn, as the two forces met on the battlefield. The initial engagement was focused on ranged attacks, with Norhaven's archers trading arrows with Elven archers.   08:15 - 09:30   King Arryn led the united Varuh forces in a charge against the Elven frontlines. Elves employed hit-and-run tactics, using the forest's natural cover to their advantage.   09:45 - 10:30   Betrayal from the Ravenspire and Shadowleaf Clans became apparent. Norhaven forces were forced to pivot to engage the traitorous clans in close combat.   10:45 - 11:15   The elven forces launched a counteroffensive led by their skilled Spellcasters. Elven archers unleashed a barrage of arrows, forcing Norhaven warriors to seek cover.   Critical Event:   11:30 - 12:00   A skilled elven archer struck King Arryn with an arrow to the neck. Norhaven forces rallied under their fallen leader, determined to avenge their king.   Decisive Phase:   12:15 - 13:00   The Varuh, inspired by the memory of King Arryn, fought with unrelenting determination. The betrayal of the Ravenspire and Shadowleaf clans created chaos among the Norhaven ranks.   13:15 - 14:30   Elven forces maintained their disciplined formations and closed in on the disorganized Varuh. The battle teetered on a knife's edge, with the riverbanks a scene of fierce combat.   Conclusion:   14:45 - 15:00   Elven forces, having maintained superior cohesion, emerged victorious. The Norhaven Alliance, despite their valour and determination, was forced to retreat.   Casualties:   Norhaven Alliance: King Arryn (KIA) Numerous Viking warriors (WIA/KIA) Significant loss of morale and cohesion   Elven Forces: Minimal casualties, primarily minor wounds   Outlook: The betrayal of the Ravenspire and Shadowleaf clans had a significant impact on the outcome of the battle. The loss of King Arryn and the breakdown of unity among the Viking clans ultimately contributed to the victory of the elven forces.

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