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Alignment is a method of describing a character's value system.   Alignment isn't a hard and fast rule in Chaia, but can be helpful when discussing the classification of alien beings and powerful spirits, as well as understanding the generalities of mortals.   The alignment square is expanded from a traditional 3 by 3 to be a 5 by 5 matrix. For those unfamiliar with the traditional system, an alignment matrix measures a character's values on two axes. Horizontally, alignment moves from lawful on the left to chaotic on the right as a measurement of how much a character believes in following established rules. A lawful character will always stick to their guns, following what their code says they ought to do no matter what. A chaotic character, meanwhile, evaluates each situation individually and makes their choice according to what they believe is best, in that moment. Vertically, alignment moves from good at the top to evil at the bottom. A good character is one who places the needs of others above their own needs, self-sacrificially attempting to make the world a better place. An evil character disregards the needs and desires of others, pursuing their own ends regardless of the cost the rest of the world might pay.
The alignment abbreviations are defined and expounded upon below:   LG - Lawful Good: A Lawful Good character is one who holds to a strict system that dictates their actions and always puts the needs of innocents above their own.   SG - Social Good: A Social Good character is one who has a value system that they follow most of the time, but are willing to bend if need be, and who always puts the needs of innocents above their own.   NG - Neutral Good: A Neutral Good character is one who can break or follow rules as the situation requires, but who always puts the needs of innocents above their own.   RG - Rebel Good: A Rebel Good character is one who believes what is best must be decided in the moment, but who does have a few basic rules that they consider to apply in almost all cases, and who always puts the needs of innocents above their own.   CG - Chaotic Good: A Chaotic Good character believes that rules are either a chain or a crutch that prevent beneficial actions more often than they inspire them and who always puts the needs of innocents above their own.   LM - Lawful Moral: A Lawful Moral character is one who holds to a strict system that dictates their actions and tries their best to help innocents, when it doesn't conflict with their code and there is some chance of success.   SM - Social Moral: A Social Moral character is one who has a value system that they follow most of the time, but are willing to bend if need be, and who tries their best to help innocents, when there is some chance of success.   NM - Neutral Moral: A Neutral Moral character is one who can break or follow rules as the situation requires, and who tries their best to help innocents, when there is some chance of success.   RM - Rebel Moral: A Rebel Moral character is one who believes what is best must be decided in the moment, but who does have a few basic rules that they consider to apply in almost all cases, and who tries their best to help innocents, when there is some chance of success.   CM - Chaotic Moral: A Chaotic Moral character is one who believes that rules prevent beneficial actions more often than they inspire them, and who tries their best to help innocents, when there is some chance of success.   LN - Lawful Neutral: A Lawful Neutral character is one who holds to a strict system that dictates their actions and doesn't go out of their way to help others while also not taking actions that they know will harm innocents.   SN - Social Neutral: A Social Neutral character is one who has a value system that they follow most of the time, but are willing to bend if need be, and doesn't go out of their way to help others while also not taking actions that they know will harm innocents.   N - True Neutral: A True Neutral character is one who can break or follow rules as the situation requires, and doesn't go out of their way to help others while also not taking actions that they know will harm innocents. Typically a true neutral character places something ahead of morality or legalism, such as their family, and their actions are dictated by this, rather than rules or ethical concerns.   RN - Rebel Neutral: A Rebel Neutral character is one who believes what is best must be decided in the moment, but does have a few basic rules that they consider to apply in almost all cases, and doesn't go out of their way to help others while also not taking actions that they know will harm innocents.   CN - Chaotic Neutral: A Chaotic Neutral character is one who believes that rules prevent beneficial actions more often than they inspire than, and doesn't go out of their way to help others while also not taking actions that they know will harm innocents.   LI - Lawful Impure: A Lawful Impure character is one who holds to a strict system that dictates their actions and is willing to harm, but generally not to kill, others in order to get what they want.   SI - Social Impure: A Social Impure character is one who has a value system that they follow most of the time, but are willing to bend if need be, and is willing to harm, but generally not to kill, others in order to get what they want.   NI - Neutral Impure: A Neutral Impure character is one who can break or follow rules as the situation requires, and is willing to harm, but generally not to kill, others in order to get what they want.   RI - Rebel Impure: A Rebel Impure character is one who believes what is best must be decided in the moment, but who does have a few basic rules that they consider to apply in almost all cases, and is willing to harm, but generally not to kill, others in order to get what they want.   CI - Chaotic Impure: A Chaotic Impure character believes that rules are either a chain or a crutch that prevent beneficial actions more often than they inspire them and is willing to harm, but generally not to kill, others in order to get what they want.   LE - Lawful Evil: A Lawful Evil character is one who holds to a strict system that dictates their actions and is willing to do whatever it takes to pursue their goals regardless of the cost to others.   SE - Social Evil: A Social Evil character is one who has a value system that they follow most of the time, but are willing to bend if need be, and is willing to do whatever it takes to pursue their goals regardless of the cost to others.   NE - Neutral Evil: A Neutral Evil character is one who can break or follow rules as the situation requires, and is willing to do whatever it takes to pursue their goals regardless of the cost to others.   RE - Rebel Evil: A Rebel Evil character is one who believes what is best must be decided in the moment, but does have a few basic rules that they consider to apply in almost all cases, and is willing to do whatever it takes to pursue their goals regardless of the cost to others.   CE - Chaotic Evil: A Chaotic Evil character believes that rules are either a chain or a crutch that prevent beneficial actions more often than they inspire them and is willing to do whatever it takes to pursue their goals regardless of the cost to others.    

Deities of Various Alignments

The following table shows the alignments of some of the powerful beings of Chaia.
Lawful Good: Ebloisdil, Froitruk, Vewu, Froimeis Social Good: Ihape, Kruims, Suyni Neutral Good: Evvu, Smatsa, Taldoo, Thalae, Rairks Rebel Good: Bambai, Bri Ibri, Likimi, Yuuguu Chaotic Good: Iliawyn, Skreiks
Lawful Moral: Fuult, Nusaa Social Moral: Plukiep Neutral Moral: Huhe Rebel Moral: Oit Chaotic Moral: Dvulka, Enne, Parl
  Lawful Neutral: Eddih, Myouneem, Stiih, Yaunti Social Neutral: Tiayo True Neutral: Aerarolus, Bels, Chul, Galia, Grap, Yaip, Airwuil Rebel Neutral: Enos, Piwwe, Triabe Chaotic Neutral: Ariyran, Ikte, Mifu, Tahuu
Lawful Impure: Thusi, Toinyo Social Impure: Kruil Neutral Impure: Kiayai Rebel Impure: Dukon, Hawihuz Chaotic Impure: DwataliEhesh, Iin, Oksdast, Rat Queen, Zoho
Lawful Evil: Fselnan, Nelrointh, Safu, Sorutriddan Social Evil: Geleyu, Thulia, Toito Neutral Evil: Geka, Yindo Rebel Evil: Esnocara, Shaosui Chaotic Evil: Beyonder, Cebsan, Yimweu

Cover image: by azgaar


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