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Dragon Slayers

The Dragon Slayers were, according to legend, around before even Queen Annali, but the legendary queen became their leader and led them to success in their war against the Dragon Kings. The deeds of this group are the most common material for the songs of bards to this day. In the present the Dragon Slayers have few dragons to slay. Some feel that the group has become a club of arrogance, attracting and catering only to those who see themselves as demigods. But even their detractors admit that the Slayers' ranks contain many of the greatest warriors of this generation.   However great the warriors, however, there are none who are widely acknowledged to bear the same title of Hero that the members of this organization so often carried during the Age of Heroes.   Far from being adventurers, however, this organization is primarily a military special force maintained by the prince of Diguardia. As such, they do not have the diplomatic freedom to carry out operations outside of Diguardia's borders like many adventurers guilds do.

qui sustinebis ignem est verum lumen

Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
Dragon Slayer

Cover image: by azgaar


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