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Adventurers are those who are contracted to kill monsters, explore ruins, find magical artifacts, and many other odd jobs.   Most adventurers one of twelve different sub-professions: Alchemist, Barbarian, Bard, Champion, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, or Wizard.



Adventurers exist because of a simple fact, the world is more dangerous now than it has been since the days of the dragon kings. In the face of this, people want two things: 1. To have threats neutralized. 2. To acquire artifacts of enough power to protect themselves.

Social Status

Adventurers are a stratified profession. Those who gain fame and acclaim are lifted up by popular society and idolized. But the vast majority of adventurers barely earn enough money to get by.   One writer explained it like this, "No good parent wants their child to be an adventurer. They, of course, want their children to adventure. Such pursuits are well-known to build creativity and strong character. But they would rather these adventures remain relegated to times of childish fancy and, once the child becomes a young adult, cast off in favor of more reputable pursuits such as baking, guarding, and engineering. These professions are viewed as good, honest work, and a surefire means to making a living. Everyone wants to be an adventurer, to have the lives of fame and finance. But because so few succeed in this profession, and most go hungry before deciding to give up, very few parents encourage their children to become adventurers. Even those that do try and counsel the child to have a backup plan in place, just in case their adventuring career doesn't take off."


The profession of adventurer has burst onto the scene during the Age of Smoke, as supernatural threats run rampant across the land.   Some have tried to postulate that the role of adventurers is really just a continuation of what heroes did during the Age of Heroes. This theory is hotly debated in academic circles. While some see the similarities in charge, with both heroes and adventurers protecting the sentient races from the forces of evil; others reject the hypothesis, pointing to the huge difference in popular opinion, motivations, and conduct. Whatever the academics think, the majority of the citizens of Chaia don't care. They just want someone to save them from monsters.
Alternative Names
Murder hobos,
There is a great need of adventurers in the current day and age. However, many great adventurers demand exorbitant prices that cannot be afforded by the common worker. This leads to many situations were hiring an adventurer is a last resort.

Cover image: by azgaar


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