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The Godor people live in northeast Chaia, in Narakzi. They are a reclusive people, and do not share much with outsiders.   Someone of the Gozdor culture is called Gozdorian.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Leetordar-serban, Ceycer-woremden, Navesech-ghaen, Rarurn-etran, Waetor-arendorm, Nayper-emighttin, Brieray-athdyn, Shenalaw-aldina, Choiach-nyradir, Maetas-olduntash, Neuskel-oughwaria, Sheran-rynash, Snouserril-taiche, Hakim-taskim, Loiden-ormenthdel, Zheesay-nysvor, Naecer-rothtan, Zheitor-etser, Slousam-tonangrad, Karis-rodsay, Llawther-kalan, Beualesay-estryn, Piaelm-anonash, Wharad-perser, Layqua-serwar, Pheeat-elmaughon, Doiss-drasayit, Keyrod-ormortas, Threadar-taimum, Ruess-burwarban, Chroidyn-theryer, Zeeshy-oldbursul, Moeril-inainaorm, Creath-atverque, Llerynaugh-tasale, Noiche-radardny, Veichagar-umar, Pysaypol-erril, Veghaen-attan, Laidarust-honsul, Daykal-enthough, Toray-umet, Joion-shyveshin, Nooeng-skeltorach, Yauton-engkalenth, Shiekintan-thersay, Reyves-asage, Naygar-suldardra, Dound-angperrak, Throeine-danagevor, Muikel-undash, Beydarurn-rayos, Tibur-kalrak, Meuitaw-ormust, Maeeld-tasran, Reor-warosche, Lamor-serineale, Zoegarunt-iaer, Weyattas-emgha, Rhoiath-kimsam, Taen-umestril, Tiang-enran, Kyust-vesther, Crover-randar, Roedel-tinomver, Ceausting-chedel, Whedartin-hatard, Seaos-ceress, Brirayton-samhin, Smuitin-lorlerkin, Trooughskel-garqua, Lleim-ghakim, Niwarhon-belum, Saoughrad-warqua, Rhieechgha-issom, Woount-enthmosale, Noieng-inaem, Loild-astanough, Touworack-moskal, Slound-athtasor, Zoenyim-kalen, Kaeath-dynold, Hoodar-estwarkim, Lucerqua-warild, Schaeer-echdraen, Ronyser-draim, Stiathem-erny, Drirakqua-nysban, Schoigha-itqua, Phuardche-rothqua, Phieinerod-burar, Dair-ackray, Schaiss-dargar, Smoitaihin-aughis, Stiairing-ackeld, Zuina-verineend, Thootan-kimiaurn, Traeald-raylorum, Deucha-polyerrak, Steeyerler-rothild, Claikel-sammos, Droountine-kinor, Loumosmos-yeros, Yaet-issingan, Sheack-certher, Chryis-ranundiss, Zhoesamves-rodtin, Naeight-turchash, Thaenthiss-kimang, Baeormkim-immos, Stibur-radyertia, Pheuque-banon, Quiedar-ightyer, Lluashton-warvor, Swaier-tinden, Nietas-ageuntroth, Rhayald-imrisech, Zhearay-turath, Rooing-lyeem

Masculine names

Thridenend-aleath, Pheitor-oldialer, Hurothund-tornal, Leudarer-awhat, Neuvoraugh-tonine, Reirkal-ranas, Lleuach-imomor, Soourn-aslerage, Sweves-echnalash, Rien-persay, Beatinorm-worusk, Reworque-lyeim, Yauat-kelessban, Seuran-ranage, Wheather-morsamen, Stooldban-honton, Laealeust-kimyer, Teadanage-mosen, Maehat-burhon, Sweiss-cerquecer, Tysam-saysulenth, Daerilshy-tinmor, Bat-omelmenth, Dage-aran, Coimcer-eldwor, Llivorser-undshy, Dribeleng-ageage, Yoeirkal-hattur, Noutherer-pertia, Snaurilton-nalkel, Quaymoras-ageiss, Dyechat-tinnys, Soeess-itserer, Stiemos-ashiss, Leykimem-dyndra, Claurnar-tontas, Bleyald-leryerelm, Doitia-emosust, Ceyvorsam-aughtur, Swayervor-aldnys, Caioldris-delina, Swekel-yerosald, Tuiash-eldmos, Clilerray-achran, Breuemund-shygha, Stouing-garenend, Tyran-lornys, Naight-hatold, Toessas-ingser, Laque-vesit, Rhiper-darang, Triton-aldittia, Smevorcer-torad, Liash-endveras, Stoound-hinhinem, Pheesam-honaleon, Poash-isis, Woecer-aldlor, Rientin-sulsul, Stoeer-skelest, Peiyer-rakrod, Vumosen-rynir, Taikim-imbelgha, Whaeighten-engmos, Reagha-inackcer, Schaine-dendan, Susay-eldrodyer, Booaughden-oughrad, Brieingurn-nyim, Beiunt-yerach, Seirod-oldenlye, Struinalwor-ghagha, Sweaech-serurnenth, Beildess-issaugh, Staeen-morir, Smoosmos-gardar, Zhayrilther-elmtor, Cloeiss-awther, Deiroth-adloror, Gyhinia-emang, Beasay-verdel, Nuiack-quaghach, Claien-torkelqua, Meyryn-emnalon, Zhouden-ageor, Feeis-honormray, Draban-ranwor, Lidra-estper, Fuirayche-enage, Yauser-riloughen, Couech-agequa, Nust-rayund, Zyess-honorm, Sluirod-endra, Lleengche-toner, Zhywor-inasay, Choormest-orath, Rhaiskel-darkin, Kigar-emtaiest, Tosul-darildther, Neeom-omech, Langer-raymor, Kieurn-kelturrod, Snedeler-chewor, Croerak-ildim, Siashyim-osack, Ceaworech-ashaw, Sodel-ighttur, Tichald-honon, Snaeton-tonoughton, Shurncer-awhon, Reach-taidyntor, Myight-chebelkim, Seas-uskrothdar, Rying-denat, Fiash-raktai, Shauimves-ithat, Stuiat-onach, Beatgar-ightril

Family names

Phayi, Roo, Dooi, Schei, Ruo, Ceia, Wia, Nei, Coua, Laei, Sui, Fei, Cao, Joa, Ja, Leui, Shayi, Lio, Mio, Kuo, Xeua, Gyo, Blyo, Croui, Briai, Neua, Blui, Sa, Cayi, Thuo, Daia, Smeo, Hoo, Nayi, Roea, Phyo, Cui, Rhuo, Broo, Ki, Saea, Ni, Tea, Woa, Nyo, Chrayi, Reyi, Koi, Zhuo, Da, Rhai, Taia, Kiai, Choi, Smuo, Peua, Bryo, Lea, Tia, Goua, Leo, Broo, Dai, Tua, Cio, Gaea, Maya, Fyo, Buo, La, Deya, Straei, Tai, Pia, Hia, Dao, Koo, Sea, Mea, Drei, Cia, Thoui, Dui, Feea, Wuo, Meea, Tia, Ha, Lyo, Seo, Nooa, Saia, Jaui, Sayi, Soo, Rua, Lio, Kyo, Leo, Leua, Huo, Toei, Naia, Theyi, Stio, Dio, Hea, Saya, Teui, Kyi, Nai, Zhyo, Duo, Haia, Dayi, Smoi, Saei, Jia, Joi Bv(o)|BV(i)|cV(a)


Major language groups and dialects

Gozdorian is the language of this people. It is a rhythmic and nasal language. It uses an abjad writing system, with characters composed of slashes, half-circles, and flowing lines.

Common Etiquette rules

Common main dishes for the Zhegerish include:aromatic and spicy lightly fried coyote stew with salt, bitter and sweet curried duck soup, spicy and sweet curried alpaca with salt, salty and sweet curried llama stew with salt, spicy and bitter baked acorn squash with salt Common desserts include: strawberry pudding and strawberries The most common alcoholic beverages are: very strong millet liquor made with strawberry and salt that is golden, very strong strawberry brandy made with strawberry and salt that is pale red in color, strawberry wine made with salt that is light red in color

Common Dress code

A Gozdorian man typically wears a robe with tight sleeves, heavy mittens, a full-circle cloak, boots, a narrow-brimmed hat, and a thin belt. Jewelry for men is typically in the form of a silver choker. A Gozdorian woman typically wears a robe with sleeves flared at the wrists, light mittens, a coat, boots, and a thick belt with a decorative buckle. Jewelry for women typically entails silver rings and bracelets.

Art & Architecture

Buildings have walls made of carved stone decorated with strips of metal, and roofs are flat and made of thatch. Doors are made of thick wood and braced with metal. Windows are small. In most households windows are simply openings which are boarded up and covered with furs during the winter. In some wealthier homes the windows are made with thin-paned glass. For decoration, ceiling are often painted in geometric styles.   Common instruments include: silver short flute trimmed with copper

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Gozorians have an animistic outlook on the world. They gather in temples and worship many small gods. They also believe in a legendary ruler Hontasalme, The Ancient Ruler of Ice, who was said to have ruled all of Narakzi, Dehremben, and Bavaric in the days of old. It is said Hontasalme left one day to find the mouth of all rivers, and was never seen again.   Keðgorayan is the god of balance, foxes, and good. He is bald. He is vicious and vengeful. His holy item is a fox tail, and his holy symbol is a fox's face.   Many among the Gozdor participate in the Snow's Offering.

Coming of Age Rites

Typically the Gozdor go through a coming of age ritual when they are nine years old. The ceremony involves a declaration of intended profession, and a

Funerary and Memorial customs

Gozdor funerals are undertaken extremely quickly. As such, they are rarely elaborate affairs. What they always involve is a boat upon which the dead is placed, upon which a spell is place which causes the river's current to push the boat in the opposite direction. This means that the boat travels north, towards the source of all rivers. Possessions are placed in the boat, so that the dead might have something to bring with them when they meet Eknotvo.

Common Taboos

The Gozdor do not discuss death or the dead. Once someone has died, funeral arrangements are undertaken with the greatest swiftness. After the funeral takes place, the deceased is no longer referred to as though they were alive. Gozdorian has a special verb tense used for events in the distant past. This tense is never used to describe events within living memory, save when a deceased individual is involved.
by Everyth Bumpglow
Encompassed species

Cover image: by azgaar


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