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Monk - Martial

Martial monks are a special subset of the Monk profession. Martial monks, which are often referred to simply as monks, are those from certain monastic orders, or who are part of a subset of otherwise non martial monks, who seek to perfect their body and to master their own inner flow of energy, often called ki.   While the English word monk is a masculine term, with the feminine counterpart being nun, this distinction is not made in all cultures across Chaia. In some cultures this divide does exist.   Many monks within Diguardia are of the Order of the Morning Song, a group dedicated to the protection of the Nightingales. Another well-known monastic order is the Order of the Firmament.



Typically monks spend long years striving for perfection in their body. The training of a typical   A character need not be religious to be a monk. However, the majority of monastic orders are at least attached to a religious establishment.

Career Progression

The progression through a monastic order varies from order to order. Typically, however, the majority of both the early and the late stages of a monk's "career progress" are spent at a monastery. It is during the middle of their training that monks journey out into the world, if indeed they do journey.

Payment & Reimbursement

Typically a monk is supported by, and in turn supports, their monastery. Some monastic orders require a vow of poverty which forbids monks from owning more than the clothes on their back. Some other orders, however, allow monks to receive direct monetary compensation for their labor.

Other Benefits

Monks learn to channel ki, their own internal energy. This energy helps them to perfect their physical form, allowing them to accomplish things which most humans could only dream of. Many are also drawn by the stillness they observe in more experienced monks, and the promise of attaining their own inner peace by following this path.



Martial monks play a critical role in many places in the defense of monasteries, most of which are otherwise defenseless against those who might wish monks harm. In this regard, monks are to monasteries almost what champions are to churches.

Social Status

Monks are typically well-respected by those with the wisdom to recognize the value of silence, restraint, and tranquility.



A monk's most dangerous tools are their limbs. As they develop their ki, a monk's hands and feet become as lethal weapons as the sharpest of swords or the truest of crossbows.


Monks work and train within monasteries. Typically monasteries are buildings which are separated from the majority of the populace and contain the simple infrastructure that monks need in order to live.
Other Associated professions

Cover image: by azgaar


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