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Rangers are those who wander the wilds of the world, and often act as a buffer between civilization and the wilderness. Whether they buffer cities from wild creatures or the pristine beauty of the natural world from the greed of mortals depends on the ranger.


Social Status

Rangers are often seen as antisocial and eccentric by those who abide in tamed environments.


In Diguardia, there is a ranger organization known as the Order of the Mithril Branch that was established by Queen Annali during the Age of Heroes in order to protect trade, provide reconnaissance beyond the nation's borders, and to serve as an expeditionary branch of the military, if need be. Other nations have ranger organizations of their own.
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry
The need for rangers has only grown since the return of the elves and the beginning of the Age of Smoke. Now, more than ever, the wilds are a dangerous place.

Cover image: by azgaar


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