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The Thufthat, or Ðufthat, are a wandering people. Gnomes, it is said that they once lived in the Ice Wastes. They have small communities throughout Chaia.   The Thufthat are a very flexible group, often picking up the culture of the people with whom they dwell. But, there are a few things that all Thufthat know in the privacy of their own communities from Miakutia to Oneria.   A member of the Thufthat group is Thufthan.   Their songs tell of being driven from their home and not being able to find their way back.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Chideha, Sacha, Fakasha, Gikgrika, Vegeshi, Fadrabeha, Trea, Grewasha, Zanga, Gapala

Masculine names


Family names

Thadsheb, Ðaðid, Thakak, Geshbresheb, Kusheb, Thewzengfe, Vakfe, Thajzicha, Fangfe, Ðagðid


Major language groups and dialects

They speak Ðufthat Very few outsiders have ever had the chance to learn Ðufthat; the gnomes carefully guard their language and will only reveal its secrets to close friends who have proved themselves not only friends of a particular Thufthan, but friends of the gnome race as a whole.. Ðufthat is a guttural and breathy language. It uses an alphabet writing system, with characters composed of triangles, half-circles, and circles. The sample phrase "Hello! It is good to see you, friend." in Ðufthat is said "thekra! Kek fefach ðat choffik zang, chiwfachi. "

Common Etiquette rules

The Thufthat eat with forks, knives, and spoons, having picked up all of them amidst their travels. When dining with others, though, they use whatever their hosts are using. Common main dishes for the Ðufthatish include: savory and bitter lightly fried fox soup with brahmi, salt, and sage, spicy and savory slow-roasted sauger, sour and savory roasted trumpetfish soup, pungent and salty slow-roasted sauger stew, spicy and aromatic slow-roasted trumpetfish. Common desserts include: cherry pie, apple cobbler, blackberry parfaits. Nearly all Dufthat desserts are sickeningly sweet to those from other cultures. The most common alcoholic beverages are: very strong rye liquor that's white, very strong rye beer made with lime that's brown, very strong rye beer made with cantaloupe and salt that's brown.

Common Dress code

Thufthan men wear robes with tapered sleeves, mittens, coats, buckled boots, and belts. Thufthan women wear loose dresses light mittens, triangular cloaks, heavy boots, and wide turbans. Common colors include moderate blue, white, and black. Decoration tends towards tassels. The Thufthat use all sorts of jewelry. Copper jewelry, however, has a particular significance for them. It is given as a pledge of marriage. Just as copper requires careful maintenance to not be tarnished by the elements, so the Dufthat believe that marriage requires constant care on both sides to weather life's storms.

Art & Architecture

Buildings have walls made of wide bricks covered over with plaster, and roofs are flat and made of ceramic tiles. Doors are made of thick wood and rectangular. Windows are large and narrow. For decoration, ceiling are often painted in geometric styles.   Common instruments include: zinc hand drum skinned with fox hide, copper short flute trimmed with cherry-wood, and iron long flute trimmed with cherry-wood

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Thufthat maintain long records of all the gods and goddesses they have encountered. They will pray to any and all of these. The people are always hoping that one day they will find the deity with the wisdom and the power to guide them home.
by Mkaszmia
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Cover image: by azgaar


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