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Tieflings are an extremely rare occurrence within Chaia. Even in the largest of cities, most people have never seen someone with fiendish blood. This is due to a combination of the scarcity of their numbers and the fact that very few places permit them to live.

Civilization and Culture


Tieflings are a byproduct of the days before godly proceedings were fixed in place by Sorutriddan's contract. In those days, gods meddled with mortal biology in a myriad of ways, most leading to horrible disfiguration and death. Tieflings were and are a subspecies of humanity that was twisted into existence by the meddling of evil gods. When the contract of divinity was established, tieflings were specifically protected from intervention on the part of the gods, with the rationale that they were technically "of Chaia" lending them protection from direct godly interference. However, this protection was something many deities soon regretted. As a lingering facet of their origin, tieflings are capable of acting as vessels for powerful beings in unique ways. Over the centuries, tieflings have, on several occasion, been used by and for unbound deities to overtly influence Chaia. In such cases, the gods are unable to intervene directly, but the power of the tiefling swells far beyond what any other mortal could wield.   For this reason, most gods direct their followers to kill tieflings on sight. Some good gods demand mercy killings, and try to lessen the bigotry that exists because of centuries of fear and hatred, but nearly all gods view the death of tieflings as a necessary step to protect the world.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
homo sapiens daemonium

Cover image: by azgaar


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