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The Ugluk are a half-orc race, like the Urok.   The Ugluk are less in number than the Urok, but control the League of Merk. They tend to view the Urok the way a wolf would view a domesticated dog, seeing the group as little more than pets for the Elar dukes and kings.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Lsadx, Gsdifhq, Fcihg, Haq, Fad, Zgfif, Sid, Qfixzh, Gqal, Fdaf, Fcixzf, Fgsacdl, Sqsidcg, Giqh, Qah, Fxil, Sxgagd, Xadl, Hzilgx, Lgad, Qxqid, Xhdagq, Xazxd, Gixh, Zsligg, Hghig, Zizd, Zih, Ghfidz, Zif, Cid, Glaldl, Fsdaqg, Lcsaxlc, Dfigfq, Qacsl, Hqdahfz, Daf, Fahq, Cafss, Sizdl, Zzqiglx, Sfxilzx, Cgzigxc, Zdsax, Zgdicz, Hcgifsd, Qhsacq, Zxdassf, Qfdasx, Gqcah, Hac, Gcidg, Dfazq, Scixcg, Fagx, Ddidzx, Fcah, Qfsih, Daf, Ssfag, Ccilh, Gdhiq, Ccsahs, Ghgic, Dafhg, Xgisx, Dad, Zlzalz, Xzah, Gagxd, Zas, Qizd, Hcasf, Sizsz, Sal, Dqagd, Fxgizls, Ldxafdh, Hidz, Gsdil, Lid, Zqidxf, Hsidg, Lifxf, Ziq, Hqascd, Hziqf, Qlifq, Sag, Gqicdx, Xzalx, Hgax, Gixf, Xsxagcg, Zcqas, Sagdq, Dhxas, Did, Xih, Gqals, Flhicdc, Daxs, Xfagld, Zhlidqd, Hifq, Fsgaczq, Cilzx, Lassc, Hifl, Qgad, Qzfafh, Caq, Flac, Hzal, Gafd, Xfacfd, Hdillx, Lcic

Masculine names

Rvuwtn, Tmnuvmk, Wypbr, Punvm, Njuk, Nnbun, Wtewmb, Rumkw, Jkjywbt, Rurkb, Jejw, Myjpb, Pwej, Pkrukv, Jmen, Ttjurp, Ktwyt, Bykmr, Vrywm, Rpvowrn, Jvut, Browmj, Mwnemwm, Ryrk, Byjmp, Rtennk, Jopp, Webkm, Bom, Jnok, Pyw, Wtum, Nbmuppn, Pkovb, Bvtork, Jmkop, Ptven, Mtur, Nyn, Vjopv, Vubtn, Ppmertv, Pnnoppj, Vrunnk, Pntyk, Punvw, Mun, Nwnebpm, Jrnek, Kretwr, Jwbon, Kppot, Vnjewrn, Joj, Vwpop, Rybrp, Bmywv, Wtjektr, Trutn, Pkekvm, Brot, Ptymj, Bewrm, Nwnor, Rnmej, Twpowp, Bvmek, Mynw, Vpuj, Bwutt, Pvwuw, Mwykkm, Jtujb, Vut, Bnokj, Konrn, Rej, Twybpw, Vkven, Bur, Mmow, Vwkebjk, Juk, Kkut, Tpjonbm, Jkmup, Rrnunn, Nebnm, Mwupv, Woj, Ptmyjb, Temk, Mwek, Vpjebm, Mjvepvt, Wvmyr, Pwypmp, Vruv, Wotv, Mrytpt, Wmopr, Bjekj, Bjtyvp, Mmojv, Rwyrnj, Tkbomp, Nktyrvw, Nepkv, Jvuk, Pwon, Vwennv, Kwrov, Kumvm, Juk, Vowv, Nemnp, Tvyvj, Mtrewk, Nkropmw

Family names

Diewr, Kimt, Sholdeh, Ldeav, Rribh, Seler, Solar, Sethak, Hogxast, Tennh, Rosal, Dwil, Pendwis, Nelhunt, Dvab, Scunn, Rtaycrr, Ruiwm, Rdkel, Ndcild, Rdilxer, Roict, Ltraz, Nannr, Rtashob, Rtytley, Tfoq, Masb, Raesl, Sudon, Yumtort, Surrdey, Hienll, Zeukz, Rtawel, Betm, Syther, Vyltr, Nticcyq, Balil, Heuxk, Slyk, Dolar, Nasot, Moosrd, Rrayp, Nocd, Tokw, Rsad, Dvod, Soghyl, Ssouhz, Ghatyn, Rethak, Fonat, Phydod, Salliv, Nnatd, Nneldzish, Keukb, Nurtl, Snann, Bafl, Yeekt, Liesm, Dicis, Gasuv, Soilv, Rxelt, Lyit, Rteerd, Cazul, Dystl, Luths, Lesslol, Rdoonl, Rross, Shahdylt, Nnunh, Sockog, Cybw, Ltenb, Runk, Beynlt, Ghmuh, Nolc, Gbiz, Nnedc, Duihll, Lelvald, Ssyltrack, Ltoriv, Ndekr, Koeds, Nnyrtlesh, Lutd, Losup, Tnelt, Nisfys, Kalab, Mves, Ryntim, Choden, Phindlaw, Ckoonr, Rochm, Chysrost, Koscant, Miard, Lirm, Nughir, Ssiduc, Ckessn, Lerdmon, Wevr, Llwir, Ntopht, Nayjt, Ryun   CcvC|CvCc|CvCvc|CvCcvC|CVcC


Major language groups and dialects

The Ugluk speak Orcish, as do the Urok.

Common Etiquette rules

Common main dishes for the Ugluk include: spicy and savory dried duck stew with salt, sour and bitter dried pumpkin stew, aromatic and spicy stewed duck, salty and sweet stewed quail, bitter and spicy dried raccoon soup with salt Common desserts include: watermelon pudding, watermelon The most common alcoholic beverages are: very strong watermelon wine made with salt that's light pink, weak wheat beer made with watermelon and salt that is foamy, very strong millet liquor that's cloudy

Common Dress code

Male Ugluks tend to wear shirts, trews, gloves, triangular cloaks, heavy boots, and sashes. Female Ugluks tend to wear robes, mittens, thick coats, strapped boots, hats, and sashes. Common colors include black, and white. Decoration tends towards knotwork. For jewelry, some of the following are common: lustrous cold iron chokers, simple cold iron anklets adorned with raw diamond ore, gaudy cold iron bracelets set with raw diamond ore.

Art & Architecture

Buildings have walls made of carved stone interspersed with narrow columns, and roofs are flat and made of thatch. Doors are made of heavy wood and curved on top. Windows are small and round.   Common instruments include: lead twin flute trimmed with larch-wood, boxwood walking drum skinned with raccoon hide, larch-wood short flute trimmed with sandalwood

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Some of the most northern Ugluk still observe the Snow's Offering.

Major organizations

Encompassed species

Cover image: by azgaar


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