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The Urok are one of two distinct cultures that came about as a result of the creation of the Half Orc race to serve the Dragon Kings. The other culture is the Ugluk. The Urok have a long history of symbiosis with the elves of Ulrancano.   The Urok are a hunting culture.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Zhoiha, Cheasha, Ziteha, Sichapasha, Hoeha, Zideha, Chepiha, Chabala, Vaasha, Thechzhebeha

Masculine names

Foah, Fajshaashem, Dathfibah, Thashfigashem, Thohchichesh, Thetashem, Shegashem, Dekah, Chepih, Fithðeah

Family names

Thathochthi, Seghug, Fothchafek, Sedthi, Hichchipthi, Zapfek, Zichvekzek, Thifchagzek, Feghug, Feghich


Major language groups and dialects

The Urok speak Orcish, as do the Ugluk.

Common Etiquette rules

Common main dishes for the Urok include: sour and sweet basted lamb, bitter and sweet stewed mudhen eggs with salt, spicy and aromatic stewed venison with salt, pungent and sweet lightly fried bison, salty and sour lightly fried lamb with salt. Common desserts include fine meat, and pies. The most common alcoholic beverages are: strong wheat ale made with pear and salt that's fizzy, very strong pear brandy made with saguaro, salt, and pear that's clear, strong rice beer made with saguaro that's golden. The Urok use a lot of spice in their foods, and they eat with their hands.

Common Dress code

A male Urok typically wears a long shirt, pantaloons, long gloves, a cloak, knee-high boots, and a belt with a thick buckle. Urok woman typically wear a tunic, trews, mittens, a thick cloak, knee-high boots, and a banded belt. Common colors include dark green, subdued orange, and subdued grey. Decoration tends towards stylized animals. The Urok tend to forgo precious metals and instead make their jewelry with iron. They do have a fondness for sapphires in decoration, though.

Art & Architecture

Buildings have walls made of wattle and daub decorated with strips of metal, and roofs are flat and made of wooden shingles. Doors are made of heavy wood and tall. Windows are rare. When they exist they are small with thick-paned glass. For decoration, people often plant bushes around their homes.

Major organizations

by Quihnn
Encompassed species

Cover image: by azgaar


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