
In so far as these things can be said with any confidence, Marivar is the centre from which humans have spread to the other continents of Tarusia. The continent has a long history much of which has subsided into myth and legend but careful study of the remains is revealing the truth behind amny of these to be at least as diverting, interesting or downright scary as the legends which have come down through popular culture in both Marivar itself and the diaspora that has spread around the world (often in flight from the terrors described).


The geography of Marivar is dominated by the Long Range - a range of mountains which crosses the continent from east to west at its broadest point. The northern part is mostly flattish, rolling grasslands, with a few forested areas in the foothills of the mountains and most of this part of the continent is drained by the Harren-var - a river system which flow into the bay once known as Imperial Bay, on the western coast.   The southern part of the continent is much more arid, ranging from dry grasslands in the north, close to the mountains to sandy deserts in the southern areas. The southern part is dominated by the Tambok Plateaus - a series of elevated plateaus with dise above the sandy desert. This arid expanse shows strong signs of once having been a rich and fertile area that was overtaken by climatic change for reasons the truth of which remains undetermined, but which the legends told by the Taru and pother groups that seem to have fled the continent at the same time put down to having disturbed subterranean forces.

Fauna & Flora

The fauna and flora of the northern parts are described in the articles associated with the Marivan Empire ; thous of the south today are fewer and further between and the only common species of note is the Marivan Dromemel - a species which has astounded zoologists with its unusual reproductive approach.

Natural Resources

Much of the northern part of the continent is rich and fertile agricultural land and continues to sustain a large population. It is well supplied with metals and stone and these have taken the place of wood for many purposes. Further south the deserts are lacking in almost all resources save for sand. Many believe that there are riches to be found in the lost cities ofg the region - both directly in the sense of treasures, but also in the sense of knowledge now lost and the resources that made the civilisations of the area great before the coming of the sands.
Included Locations

A Brief History of Marivar

The early history of Marivar is not well documented. Great civilisations arose in the southern part of the continent tapping into resources and sources of power unknown, but which are touched on in the story of Pshoo. These civilisations eventually came to an end some thousands of years ago with the coming of the sands, a cataclysm that appeared to have wiped humanity from that part of the continent, but spurred it on to other continents - where amongst other s they formed the Taru.
On Marivar itself, civilisation and technologies were lost and society reverted to small villages in the more fertile areas and nomadic groups elsewhere - but these gradually covered the northern parts and from them grew the Marivan Empire.
For a while this flourished until The Coming of the Ara'koi which caused the collapse of the empire and some significant population displacements which resulted in the migrations from the north and west of the continent, just over a thousand years ago, to form what became the Morivian peoples of Tarusia.

If you desire to know what developed from the arrival of the Ara'koi and what became of the peoples who did not emigrate (or indeed what happened to the nomadic isle of Nabriz you will have, alas, to wait for my imagination to fill in the gaps. Which it will, I hope, in due course.
Forger of the World of Challaria on this most marvellous Anvil of worlds


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