Spring Organization in Changeling: the Lost | World Anvil
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Spring's titles are fluid, reflecting roles moreso than rank. Courtiers often choose their own titles, rather than being selected for them.
The Vernal Sovereign leads the entire Freehold during high Spring. They are chosen via a vote held by the Spring courtiers, which is often a bit of a popularity contest.
An Avant Guard is a trendsetter, and typically a very popular member of Spring. They are most likely to be voted into the Monarchy.
The Archivist is involved in planning every Freehold event; they ensure that these events are in accordance with the Courts' Bargains, keeping the Bulwark strong.
Sylvan Emissaries are ambassadors. This is one of the few titles that isn't self-selected; instead, the Sovereign or a Searce will assign a courtier to be an Emissary to a specific faction.
Searces interview potential courtiers and seek out changelings whose ideals appeal to Spring. Everyone who asks to be is let in, but Searces give interesting and valuable changelings connections by introducing them to high-status courtiers.
Verdant Advocates love semantics and procedures. They help out changelings whose passions have put them on the wrong side of the law.
Clavigers love to fight. They're bodyguards and fighters. Winter dislikes this title, as it represents "ideals" holding more sway than needs and talents—they think all Clavigers should just join Summer.
A Joyeux's goal is to make others happy. This is a self-claimed title, but others may call someone else a Joyeux as a compliment.


“Your desires are your own.” No one can take your dreams from you, but no one is responsible for your happiness—that is the philosophy Spring courtiers live by.


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Your desires are your own.

Social, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
The Antler Crown ✦ The Emerald Court ✦ The Court of Desire
Spring courtier
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization
Related Traditions
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Species

Rising Seasons

Spring can be too focused on revelry, and Summer can be too focused on war to remember to live. But both Courts agree that at least they're not QUIET. These two passionate, hot-blooded, impulsive Courts get along like siblings: often annoying each other, but always backing each other up. And of all inter-Court personal relationships, Spring and Summer friendships, rivalries, and romances are the most common.

Opposites Attract

On an individual level, Spring and Autumn get along and may even admire the other's knowledge and passion. The two courts are the most likely to delve deep into the nuances of magic, the Hedge, and hobgoblin society. Still, Autumn has a reputation of fear and Spring has a reputation of carelessness, so disagreements happen.

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