Dagnal Balderk

Dagnal Balderk, Female Dwarf


Description: She is a paragon of her species. She is larger and stronger than most Dwarves. Her skin is light but she possesses many blue ritualistic tattoos. She does not wear sleeves and tends to eschew shirts when she can avoid it. She has shaved her head bald. She has gleaming, smiling violet eyes. A commanding presence, Dagnal's strong physique, blue ritualistic tattoos, and shaved head, paired with her gleaming violet eyes, make her an intriguing figure in the community.   Personality: Witty and unnervingly charming, Dagnal's skepticism and slow trust reflect her complex inner world.   History: Dagnal was raised in a hard working conservative environment. She couldn't stand her childhood mentor and eventually formed a pact with her mentor's previously failed apprentice to rebel. When their plan failed the mentor lashed out against both of them and fled. She has gone from town to town till she finds a spot where she can set up a sustainable business. Dagnal's conservative upbringing led to her rebellious nature. She now manages the High House Of Bell, a temple devoted to Lunyara, while secretly harboring darker ambitions and allegiances.   Motivation: A deep hatred of giants; and revenge against them for destroying her family home. Dagnal is seen as a community pillar, aiding orphans and supporting the community under Lunyara’s banner. She is also loved for her comedy and satire as a bard, weaving tales both witty and boldly amusing. She is known to sponsor at least one student to the Morinrayne Academy per year as well.   Ideals: Joker. Flaws: Shy. Bonds: Job, Mentor, Enemies. Occupation: Priest   Voice: Hissing voice  


Dagnal Balderk, Female Dwarf Bard 4
Medium (4'9") Dwarf, Chaotic Evil (CR 4)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 29 (4d6)
Speed 20 ft.
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 16 (+3)
Skills Athletics +7, Medicine +1, Performance +5, Persuasion +5
Senses Passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Dwarven, Auran, Celestial, Abyssal
Attacks Melee +2 / 1d10+0, Ranged +4 / 1d10+2, Grapple +2
DC 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Spell /Day 13 3 4 3 0 0 0 0
Possessions: 100 gp. Golden yellow topaz (500 gp). Banded agate (8 gp). Black pearl (500 gp). 1 Masterwork Common Ranged Weapon.
Magic Initiate - Cleric Spells
Cantrips: Thaumaturgy, Guidance
1st-level Spell: Bless
Spell Description: This spell allows Dagnal to bless up to three creatures of her choice within range. For the duration of the spell, the targets gain a bonus to attack rolls and saving throws. The ability to bestow such a boon enhances her public image as a caring and powerful priestess, capable of offering divine assistance. Privately, it gives her an edge in ensuring the success and protection of her or her followers' actions, particularly in delicate situations that align with her hidden agendas.


Sibling - Dagnal Balderk
Relation with Fargrim: Dagnal is Fargrim's younger sister. She grew up in a more conservative environment and always felt overshadowed by Fargrim's troubles and their family's expectations. This led to her rebellious streak and eventual departure.

Feelings towards Fargrim: Dagnal has mixed feelings about Fargrim. She respects him for enduring their parents' treatment but also resents him for leaving her to fend for herself. Her skepticism and trust issues stem partly from her complicated relationship with her brother.

What She Tells Strangers: Dagnal is more open about her family history than Fargrim, using it to explain her strong personality and drive. She speaks of Fargrim with a hint of pride but also a noticeable undercurrent of unresolved tension. She rarely talks about living with him or their current relationship, focusing more on their shared past.
Ruled Locations

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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