High House of Bell

High House of Bell

Owner: Dagnal Balderk, Female Dwarf
  Location: In Low-town at the crossroads leading to the Midtown Southgate. The street outside is covered in fallen leaves.
Description: The church is a plaster and large single storey tower building with an open floor plan and a travel goods shop run by the church occupying the majority of the space, with a small fenced yard and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It contains a number of crates stacked along the back wall and large religious icons. Multiple orphans hang out around the outside of the church, offering to do odd jobs for people passing by in the street.
Deity: Alters to multiple deities line this church sanctuary with a central focus on the Moon Goddess Lunyara as she has the largest altar located in the center of the walkway after walking inside the building.
    Other Patrons:
Eldeth Stoutale, Female Dwarf
Dariff Brawnanvil, Female Dwarf


Old stonework floors and basement. Plaster and timber walls and tile roof.


Darkwood Crossbars for each door and a Hasp & Latch for the cellar door.


Anyone who walks inside this building will be able to tell fairly quickly it's a converted old tavern and inn.


Anyone coming into town from inside the country is likely coming in on the road this sits on. This prime positioning keeps people seeing the rock candies and licorice signs in the shops windows. That and the travel goods wording are more than enough to get people to stop in and see what's available.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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