Galiena Brandon

Galiena Brandon, Female Human
Description: A pudgy woman standing about 4'8" has a big stupid grin on her face most of the time. She wears tan leather gloves, a tan jacket, and tight pants. Her tied-back hair is golden. Her eyes are likewise brown. Her teeth are white and perfect.
  Personality: Stoic and calm, she prefers to meditate than take action. She is a great chef.
  History: She was born in the north, but her parents moved at a very young age to the east. After coming to the age of reason, Galiena took it upon herself to study the druidic arts in their entirety; because of this, she was labeled a dark omen and banished from her homeland. She became a plane-shifter, and is stopping over on this plane for a brief visit.
  Motivation: An old rival family wants her found; and obtaining odd cultural human artifacts is her passion
  Ideals: Disciplined, Gifted. Bonds: Attractive, Immigrant, Adventurer, Family. Occupation: Merchant
  Voice: Old Prospector
Galiena Brandon, Female Human Monk 2 Medium (4'8") Human, Chaotic Good (CR 2) Armor Class 12 Hit Points 16 (2d8) Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) Skills Arcana +3, Persuasion +2 Senses Passive Perception 13 Languages Common, Goblin Attacks Melee +3 / 1d6+1, Ranged +4 / 1d6+2, Grapple +2 Possessions: Amber (40 gp). White pearl (40 gp). Chrysoprase (30 gp).
Ruled Locations

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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