The Crate and Bazaar

General Store:
  Location: In an arcane quarter. The street outside is next to a large public square. A child presents a player with a flower and nervously says they're cute before running away giggling.
Description: The general store is a stone-walled two-storey building, with a brown tile roof and dead hedges. It contains curtains draped over the walls and shelves full of souveneirs.


Abacus (phb 150) (2 gp)
Lock (phb 152) (10 gp)
Lantern, Hooded (phb 152) (5 gp)
Map Case (phb 153) (1 gp) - A protective tube for carrying maps and scrolls, keeping them safe from the elements.
Tinderbox (phb 153) (5 sp) - Contains flint, fire steel, and tinder for lighting fires.
Blank Book (phb 150) (25 gp) - A book with blank pages, suitable for note-taking or sketching.
Ink Pen (phb 150) (2 cp) - A simple pen for use with ink, ideal for writing.
Flask or Tankard (phb 150) (2 cp) - A container for holding beverages, either a flask for storage or a tankard for drinking.
Candles (10) (phb 151) (1 sp) - A set of ten basic candles, each burning for about an hour.
Soap (phb 153) (2 cp) - A basic bar of soap for personal cleanliness.
Honeyed Nut and Berry Mix (Mundane) (3 gp) - A tasty and nutritious blend of nuts, dried berries, and honey, providing energy and sustenance on the trail.
Dried Spiced Meat Strips (Mundane) (4 gp) - Jerky made from various meats, seasoned with a blend of local herbs and spices for a delicious, long-lasting snack.
Herbal Tea Blend (Mundane) (1 gp) - A mix of dried local herbs, perfect for brewing a soothing cup of tea. Helps with relaxation and digestion.
Waterproof Scroll Case (Mundane) (10 gp) - A durable case designed to keep scrolls and papers dry and protected from the elements.
Hand-Carved Wooden Flute (Mundane) (7 gp) - A beautifully crafted flute, perfect for entertainment during long journeys or leisurely evenings.

Other Patrons:

Tana Humplebumple, Female Gnome
Vanuath Tiltathana, Male Half-Elf

The Crate and Bazaar

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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