Sybil Perry

Sybil Perry, Female Human
Description: She wears a brown collared shirt and grey skirt. She accessorizes with a black scarf around the waist and a strap diagonally across her shirt. She has relatively light skin and is very physically imposing due to her abundance of muscles. Her tied-back hair is brown. She tend to wears goggles to shield her eyes.
  Personality: She cares much about the opinion of others, both in good and in bad: when keeping in line with her opinion, she thinks highly of the other person, but when opinions clash, she can get violently argumentative. More though she will beg to come along on any journeys. She will attempt to stowaway on any ship she can in the hopes that it will get her further away.
  History: She was raised in a forest tribe. From there she went from mercenary job to mercenary job. She now travels the world, in search of power and loot.
  Motivation: She desires power and/or immortality.
  Ideals: Opinionated. Bonds: Slave, Nature, Adventurer. Occupation: Enchanter
  Voice: Spits and sputters
Sybil Perry, Female Human Rogue 11 Medium (5'6") Human, Chaotic Good (CR 11) Armor Class 11 Hit Points 50 (11d6) Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) Skills Deception +7, Investigation +5 Senses Passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Giant Attacks Melee +3 / 3d8-1, Ranged +5 / 3d8+1, Grapple +1 Possessions: 320 pp. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item.
Ruled Locations

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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