The Amber Tower

  Location: In the artisan's district. The street outside is unusually full of carriages.
Description: The enchanter is a adobe two-storey building, with a reinforced wooden door and shiny hardwood floors. It contains a large open floor with pillars and bone candlebras with floating flames.


Lantern of Revealing (dmg 179) (4,793 gp)
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (dmg 171) (7,867 gp)
Periapt of Wound Closure (dmg 184) (4,991 gp)
Boots of the Winterlands (dmg 156) (4,000 gp) - Boots that provide resistance to cold damage and allow the wearer to tolerate extreme cold.
Circlet of Blasting (dmg 158) (1,500 gp) - A circlet that allows the wearer to cast the Scorching Ray spell once per day.
Goggles of Night (dmg 172) (3,500 gp) - Goggles that grant the wearer darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Hat of Disguise (dmg 173) (1,800 gp) - A hat that allows the wearer to alter their appearance as with the Disguise Self spell.
Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) (dmg 205) (3,000 gp) - A stone that grants a +1 bonus to ability checks and saving throws while it is on the wearer's person.
Wand of Magic Detection (dmg 211) (1,500 gp) - A wand that allows the user to cast Detect Magic a certain number of times per day.
Wand of Secrets (dmg 211) (1,500 gp) - A wand that reveals traps and secret doors within 30 feet of the user.

Other Patrons:

Baz Yardley, Male Half-Orc
Azaki Caerdonel, Male Elf
Lubash Trollope, Male Half-Orc

The Amber Tower

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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