The Elegant Philtres

Owner: Fallthra Holderhek, Female Dwarf
  Location: In the artisan's district. The street outside is next to a grand hall.
Description: The alchemist is a plaster and wood framed rowhouse, with a green tile roof and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It is well-lit by a few magical torches. It contains a set of gold scales and a number of distillers scattered about.


Potion of Stone Giant Strength (dmg 187) (384 gp)
Potion of Greater Healing (dmg 187) (143 gp)
Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (48 gp)
Potion of Shadow Step (Homebrew) (250 gp) - Allows the user to teleport to any shadow within 30 feet they can see, once within the next hour.
Potion of Arcane Clarity (Homebrew) (310 gp) - Grants advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks and saving throws against spells and magical effects for 1 hour.
Potion of Elemental Resistance (Homebrew) (275 gp) - User chooses one element (fire, cold, lightning, etc.) and gains resistance to that element for 1 hour.
Potion of Beast Speech (Homebrew) (200 gp) - Allows the user to speak and understand the language of beasts for 1 hour.
Potion of Etherealness (dmg 188) (1,920 gp) - Allows the user to enter the Ethereal Plane for up to 1 hour.
Potion of Feline Grace (Homebrew) (165 gp) - Grants enhanced balance and agility, giving advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks for 1 hour.
Potion of Mind Reading (dmg 188) (180 gp) - Allows the user to cast the spell 'Detect Thoughts' (as per the spell description) once within the next hour.
  Other Patrons: Darrak Broodfist, Male Dwarf
Silvo Kettlewhistle, Male Halfling

The Elegant Philtres
The alchemist is a plaster and wood framed rowhouse, with a green tile roof and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It is well-lit by a few magical torches. It contains a set of gold scales and a number of distillers scattered about.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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