The Goblin Raiding Party

Encounter Setup: The Goblin Raiding Party   Scenario Introduction: As Moku and his wife settle into their new home location, a cacophony of yells and the clattering of a makeshift sled break the afternoon stillness. Emerging from the tree line into the open valley near their hill is a goblin raiding party. They drag a slave cage on a sled, pulled by two large, snarling wolves. Inside the cage, terrified faces peer out - a group of children and a young teacher's assistant from Prideholme, clearly in distress.   Encounter Details:   Enemy Composition:
  • Goblins (x6): Standard goblin stats (HP: 7, AC: 15, Speed: 30 ft., using scimitars and shortbows).
  • Hobgoblins (x2): Stronger and more tactical than goblins (HP: 11, AC: 18, Speed: 30 ft., armed with longswords and longbows).
  • Wolves (x2): Used for pulling the sled (HP: 11, AC: 13, Speed: 40 ft., bite attacks).
  • Captives:
  • Children (x8): Young students, frightened but unharmed.
  • Teacher's Assistant: A young half-elf, trying to keep the children calm.
  • Map Layout:
  • Open valley with sparse trees and rocks for cover.
  • The goblin sled is in the center of the valley, moving slowly.
  • The hill where Moku and his wife are provides a good vantage point.
  • Engagement Phases:   1. Observation: - Moku and his wife notice the raiding party from a distance. - A Perception check (DC 12) to notice the children in the cage and the number of enemies.   2. Planning: - The players can formulate a plan of attack or rescue. - Consider their resources (weapons, household chemicals, etc.). - Stealth approach or direct confrontation?   3. Initiating Combat: - If they choose stealth, Dexterity (Stealth) checks to approach undetected. - If combat starts, roll initiative.   4. Combat Dynamics: - Goblins are reckless and attack on sight. They prefer ranged attacks but will engage in melee if necessary. - Hobgoblins are more tactical, might use the children as shields, and direct the wolves and goblins. - Wolves can be used to pursue if the players try to flee or chase if they attempt to free the children.   5. Rescue and Protect: - Include opportunities for Moku and his wife to unlock the cage (a simple lock, DC 10 Thieves’ Tools check or a Strength check to break). - Protecting the children adds an extra layer to the combat dynamics.   6. Aftermath: - If successful, the children are grateful and the teacher's assistant explains they were taken from Prideholme. - This leads to a potential new quest: returning the children to Prideholme and investigating the goblin activity.   7. Rewards: - Experience points for defeating the enemies and rescuing the children. - The teacher's assistant has a small heirloom or trinket as a token of gratitude.   Additional Considerations:  
  • Difficulty Adjustments: Since the players are level 1, you might adjust the number of goblins or their hit points for balance.
  • Roleplaying Opportunities: Interactions with the children and the teacher's assistant can add depth to the encounter.
  • Environmental Factors: Weather, time of day, and terrain can influence the encounter's difficulty and tactics.
  • Future Plot Hooks: The origin of this raiding party could lead to larger goblinoid plots or conflicts in the region.
  • Expanded Introduction Section:
    Background: Moku and his wife, having recently been thrust into the fantastical world of Changing Stars, are beginning to adapt to their new surroundings and elfin forms. They have been graced with the knowledge and skills of their new identities and are slowly exploring the limits of their newfound abilities. Their home, a quaint but sturdy structure, sits atop a gentle hill, offering a panoramic view of the surrounding valley.   Setting the Stage: The day has been uneventful until now, with the couple engaged in mundane activities, perhaps gardening or organizing their new home. The tranquility of their domestic bliss is shattered by an unexpected and alarming disturbance.   The Goblin Raiding Party: A raiding party, consisting of a motley crew of goblins led by a pair of hobgoblins, has emerged from the forest. They are dragging behind them a sled, a crude construction of wood and metal, pulled by two ferocious wolves. Strapped to this sled is a cage, rattling and swaying with the movement. Within this cage, a group of young children and a teacher's assistant from Prideholme huddle together in fear. The goblin's raucous laughter and the children's cries create a discordant symphony that echoes through the valley.   Player's Perspective: From their vantage point, Moku and his wife can clearly see the plight of the captives. They must quickly decide how to react - whether to intervene, observe, or find another way to help these unfortunate souls. From their vantage point atop the hill, they should have plenty of time from first hearing them to spotting the raiding party and captives to decide to act. There should be 300 feet for the raiding party to cross by the time they are spotted until they will pass the east side of the hill Moku's home is on and the larger one to its northeast blocks their line of sight.  
    Narration Box to be read to Players:
    "Ah, dear listeners, gather 'round, for I have a tale of unexpected valor and heart-clutching woe. Picture, if you will, our brave heroes, Moku and his fair wife, in their newfound elven bodies within their home transported with them to this fantasy world, atop a gentle hill. 'Twas a day much like any other, with the sun gallantly making its journey across the sky, casting a warm glow over all it touched.   But hark! What discordant clamor breaks the peace of this idyllic afternoon? From the bosom of the forest, like a serpent slithering into paradise, comes a sight most distressing. Behold a band of goblins, those mischievous scamps of ill repute, dragging behind them a contraption as crude as their manners. A sled, you ask? Nay, more a chariot of despair, drawn by wolves as fierce as the winter wind.   And within this rickety cage, oh, what sorrowful sight do our heroes behold? Innocents! Children of Prideholme, and their young guardian, their faces pressed against the cold bars, eyes wide with fear. Their plight, a loud and fervent plea for salvation, reaches the hearts of our intrepid pair.   Now, what, pray tell, will our elven duo do? Will they leap into action, swords flashing in the sunlight? Will they craft a cunning plan, as clever as the fox? The threads of fate are in their hands, and the next chapter of their story awaits their bold pen. Stay tuned, for the adventure is just beginning..."

    Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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