Uraim's Bazaar

General Store:

Uraim's Bazaar

Owner: Uraim Bloodkith, Male Dwarf
  Location: In Midtown along the south wall, midway between the two gates. The street outside has drunken revelers.
Description: The general store is a stucco single storey building, with a gray shingled roof and finely-crafted furniture. It contains a large open floor with pillars and a decomissioned carriage serving as shelving for goods.
Pick, Miner's (phb 150) (2 gp)
Cook's Utensils (phb 154) (50 gp)
Scale, Merchant's (phb 153) (5 gp)
Block & Tackle, (8 sp)
Hempen Rope (50 Feet), (8 sp)

Hand painted signs around the shop:

"Sale on Tinker's Tools and Herbalist's Tools for anyone with a Guild Crest, 10% off for members in good standing."
"Free Nails with any timber orders that require Delivery. Max Delivery range of Harborton and Morinrayne. Any further will require Guarded Delivery services."
"Sirens beware! We sell enchanted earmuffs!" (with a picture of a pair of earmuffs with magical symbols)
"Dragon snot: Cures hiccups, fuels potions, and repels nosey neighbors!" (with a picture of a vial labeled "Dragon Snot")
"Need a map? Ask the barkeep. He knows all the shortcuts... (and the monsters guarding them)." (with a picture of a shifty-looking barkeep)
"All That Glitters is Not Gold, But Our Wares Are Worth Their Weight"

Other Patrons:

Olunt Strongheart, Male Dwarf
Wella Greenbottle, Female Halfling
Hupe Goldfound, Male Halfling
Orla Shadowcloak, Female Gnome

Uraim's Bazaar
The general store is a stucco single storey building, with a gray shingled roof and finely-crafted furniture. It contains a large open floor with pillars and a decomissioned carriage serving as shelving for goods.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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