Varick Thorne

Character Sheet for Commander Varick Thorne
  Class: Paladin 3 / Eldritch Knight 6 / Ranger 3
  Ability Scores
  • Strength: 7 (-2)
  • Dexterity: 10 (+0)
  • Constitution: 17 (+3)
  • Intelligence: 12 (+1)
  • Wisdom: 13 (+1)
  • Charisma: 14 (+2)

  •   Hit Points (HP)
  • Base HP: (3d10 for Paladin) + (6d10 for Eldritch Knight) + (3d10 for Ranger) + Constitution modifier per level
  • Average HP: [(3 + 6 + 3) × 5.5] + [(3 + 6 + 3) × +3] ≈ 102 HP

  •   Armor Class (AC)
  • Plate Armor: 18
  • Shield: +2
  • Total AC: 20

  •   Skills
  • Animal Handling: +5
  • Insight: +5
  • Intimidation: +6
  • Perception: +5
  • Persuasion: +10

  •   Saving Throws
  • Strength Saving Throw: +7 (Proficiency bonus +3, Strength modifier -2)
  • Dexterity Saving Throw: +6 (Proficiency bonus +3, Dexterity modifier +0)

  •   Features and Abilities
  • Inspiring Leader: Grants 12 temporary hit points to up to six creatures within 30 feet.
  • Second Wind (1/short or long rest): Regain 1d10+10 hit points.
  • Rallying Cry: Allies within 60 feet regain 10 hit points with Second Wind.
  • Leadership: Adds a d4 to a friendly creature's attack roll or saving throw within 30 feet.

  •   Actions
  • Multiattack: Makes two melee attacks.
  • Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) or 8 (1d10+3) slashing damage.
  • Mace: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) bludgeoning damage.
  • Heavy Crossbow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) piercing damage.

  •   Equipment
  • Plate Armor
  • Shield
  • Longsword
  • Mace
  • Heavy Crossbow with bolts

      Base Commander of Prideholme: Commander Varick Thorne
      Physical Description
  • Age: Mid-40s
  • Appearance: A tall, broad-shouldered man with a stern but fair countenance. His hair is peppered grey, cut short in a military style. His eyes are a piercing blue, often seen scanning his surroundings with a tactical gaze.

  •   Background
  • Race: Human
  • Origin: Born and raised in a military family from a neighboring region, Varick rose through the ranks due to his strategic acumen and leadership skills.

  •   Personality
  • Traits: Disciplined, just, and pragmatic. Varick is known for his no-nonsense approach to leadership but is also respected for his fairness and concern for his soldiers' welfare.
  • Interests: In his scarce free time, Varick is an avid chess player, often seen engaging in games with his subordinates to sharpen his strategic thinking. He also has a keen interest in military history.

  •   Role at Prideholme
  • Duties: Oversees all military operations at the outpost, coordinates with the Morinrayne Society for the protection of archaeological endeavors, and ensures the safety of Prideholme's inhabitants and visitors.
  • Goals: His primary goal is to maintain the safety and stability of Prideholme, along with facilitating the growth of the settlement as a hub of scholarly and military activity.

  •   Relationships
  • With Captain Helena Willow: He has a professional and respectful relationship with Captain Willow, often relying on her expertise in leading ground operations.
  • With the Morinrayne Society: Maintains a diplomatic and cooperative relationship, understanding the importance of balancing military and scholarly pursuits.

  •   Equipment and Skills
  • Armor: Wears a well-maintained suit of half-plate armor emblazoned with the insignia of Prideholme.
  • Weapon: Prefers a longsword, a weapon he wields with practiced skill.
  • Skills: An expert in tactical planning and combat strategy. Varick is also adept in diplomacy, crucial for managing the diverse populace and interests within Prideholme.

  •   Commander Varick Thorne is a character who embodies the values and responsibilities of leading Prideholme, serving as a pivotal figure in the outpost's ongoing narrative. His leadership style and interactions can provide interesting dynamics in your game setting.
      Commander Varick Thorne, despite his below-average strength and constitution, has risen to his position through tactical intelligence, charismatic leadership, and a deep understanding of battle strategy. His skills and abilities reflect his experience as a seasoned warlord and commander.
      Commander Varick Thorne
      Paladin (Level 3)
  • Divine Sense: Can detect celestial, fiend, or undead presence.
  • Lay on Hands: Pool of healing power (15 HP per long rest).
  • Divine Smite: Can expend a spell slot to deal extra radiant damage.

  •   Eldritch Knight (Level 6)
  • Spellcasting: Access to Wizard spell list. Can prepare 4 spells (3 first-level, 1 second-level).
  • Weapon Bond: Bonded to two weapons, can summon them as a bonus action.
  • War Magic: Can make a weapon attack as a bonus action after casting a cantrip.

  •   Ranger (Beastmaster, Level 3)
  • Favored Enemy: Chooses a type of enemy to specialize against.
  • Natural Explorer: Bonus to initiative and on attack rolls against enemies who haven’t acted in combat yet.
  • Ranger's Companion: A beast companion that fights alongside him.

  •   Spell Selection
  • Paladin Spells: Cure Wounds, Shield of Faith
  • Eldritch Knight Spells: Shield, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Misty Step

  •   Beastmaster Ranger's Companion
  • Creature: Dire Wolf (adjusted for setting)
  • Name: Shadowfang
  • Appearance: A large, imposing dire wolf with shimmering silver fur and piercing green eyes.
  • Abilities: Keen senses, pack tactics, and a fierce loyalty to Commander Thorne.

  •   Equipment
  • Plate Armor
  • Shield
  • Longsword (bonded weapon)
  • Mace
  • Heavy Crossbow with bolts

  •   Commander Varick Thorne's combination of classes makes him a versatile and formidable leader, capable of engaging in direct combat, supporting his allies, and utilizing strategic spells. His dire wolf companion, Shadowfang, adds a powerful and loyal ally to his side, enhancing his presence on the battlefield and within the narrative of "Changing Stars."
    Ruled Locations

    Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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