Vikrober Tenslabin
Vikrober and his wife, Aiku Tenslabin, own both J3-40 Tenslabin Bakery and J3-42 Market Stables. With Vikrober primarily running the bakery and Aiku primarily running the stable. Vikrober is very accomplished and produces a wide variety of breads (some of which have unusual flavors that are very popular among the locals) and small sweets that he calls "Cook-tries" with a variety of flavors, including oats and a few exotic fruits from distant lands.
Vikrober and his wife Aiku, when speaking to one another nearly always speak in their native Language, but both are fairly fluent with the Argentum Language which is the primary spoken tongue of the Channel Cities and is as close to a "common" tongue as exists within the World of Ærnth.
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