Heart Tree connection

Heart Trees(need to add article) are connected to the area around them.
This connection causes massive changes to their regions. The connection can mean that the entire forest, or reef, florishes or becomes dark and decayed. Also depends on the type of Heart Tree.


Each Heart tree and region is unique, so the effects vary region to region with the connection.

Grove Heart Tree:

The Grove is a very floral and happy region.
So its primary appearance, no matter the season, is filled with flowers. Even some of the creatures that live there appear more vibrant in color, and have flowers where others may have leaves. There are far more pinks, purples, blues, and less shades of Green in this region.
That is the appearance when the Heart Tree is happy and healthy.Some plants and creatures have Flower petals instead of leaves.
When something happens to the heart tree, like say something poisoning it and breaking out of it. The area around it becomes sick as well.
What was fragrant and happy, filled with blooms and laughter, becomes desolate and decayed. Flowers wilt, and the bark will turn black.
Such an event happens around 1026 C.E. no one intially knows what happened. Check "Observations of the Heart Tree" as recorded by by an Elf village nearest the Grove Heart.
The Grove region deals with sickness Heart Decay from 1026 C.E. to current date. (will be updated with further updates)

Faren Heart Tree:

Faren Forest is a very green and leafy region. That is not to say there are no flowers, just they are dotted into the forest.
With the heart being healthy and happy the forest thrives with life.


Effects the forest that the Heart tree is located in. The health of the heart tree controls the health and wellness of the forest and creatures that live within. This is true acrossed all Heart Trees and their forests. The forests live off the magic of their heart tree, and also offer own energy to the heart. The craetures and beings that live amongst them pay homeage to the Heart Tree.


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