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Barnaby Jones

Mayor Barnaby Jones

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Barnaby is an overall unfit man. He has a plump belly that jiggles as he walks with his short and stubby legs. He is at no means agile at all. His right eye is beginning to fail on him so he has started to wear a monocle.

Facial Features

Has a scar under his left eye. Sports a white goatee and a white English style mustache. His balding hair has left him with a sorta of a clump of hair on top that he refuses to shave off; no matter how bad it may look.

Physical quirks

Do to being overweight it appears that he waddles as he walks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born with a silver spoon in his mouth; Barnaby has always had an easy life. At the age of 17 he became addict to smoking Opium; with the excuse of "It helps me think straight." Working with his father in the city's politics; Barnaby eventually befriended Henry Harold. Over a few years as Barnaby begrudgingly works around the city. One day Henry Harold offered him to be the elected mayor of the city. He wouldn't need to do anything expect be a face of the city. Barnaby being seeing an opportunity to lounge about all day and enjoy the luxuries that he grew to enjoy took this opportunity. Now modern day being the puppet mayor for Gozastal; Baranby still enjoys lounging about. He will in fact try to push meetings back for as long as possible. There are a few names that will get an instant meeting with him; but many do not know those names.


Barnaby is currently the mayor of Gozastal .

Personality Characteristics


Money and Opium.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Woman, Opium, Liquor, Money
Dislikes: Tieflings, Hard Work, Mushrooms, and the Astrivian Empire

Vices & Personality flaws

Addicted to smoking Opium.
Current Location
Year of Birth
3090 ME 111 Years old
White; balding
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Orcish, Elvish, Sylvan, Catfolk, Tengu, Gnomish
Ruled Locations

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