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Gozastal is a coastal city; with a port connected out to the Cascin Sea. The city is one of the oldest standing cities; that had multiple rulers over the years. The current group of people that rule over this city known as The Pirate Council.  This fact unknown to the outside world for instead of ruling out in the open then use a Tengu puppet known as Ruk Seabird. This is in order to help protect themselves from the nearby Empire that is running anti-piracy policies, and is currently trying to expand to the islands.


55% Humans, 9% Half-Elves, 9% Half-Orcs, 7% Orcs, 5% Catfolks, 5% Tengus, 10% Other




A wall is built incasing part of the sea in partially open circle design. The opening being a bottle neck into the city itself; that can be blocked off in times of storms, and attacks. Built along side, and expanded into a mountain making harder to attack from behind. Do to current advancements of technology the defenses are being upgraded to have cannons that face the outside to help defend against enemy ships.

Industry & Trade

Imports come from various traders bring new goods to the city.
A majority of it's inhabitants work as fishers, ship carpenters or miners. The Ship building industry being the most profitable for the amount of ships that come in for repair, and people who are looking to buy ships.
A majority of the incoming merchants create deals with the city's store owners first in more of a privatized market. Any merchant not coming into Gozastal to make trade with the city's personal merchants; tend to set up in the Merchant's Square. Here residents of the city can buy and make trade deals on their own accord without any known upscaling of the products value. 
 Some of the unique exported goods included nutmeg, and mace.  


A mining system; built into the mountain range.

Guilds and Factions

One of the factions set up in this the city; is the "Free City" faction. Which is an alignment of cities and towns that wish not to be ruled over by an empire. If one of them gets threatened or runs into issues that others tend to lend a hand when notified.
One of the guilds that is set up within this city is known as the merchants alliance. Which are a group of merchants that banded together to better organize trade deals between cities.
Another guild that is located in this city is The Privateers Corps. These people are a group of mercenaries that are highly skilled in ship combat. They get hired out to help protect ships or during wartime.
The one hidden guild known as the Pirate Council. Unknown to your everyday citizen; this guild runs the city itself. The Council is made up of some of the more famous pirates. The current person in the head seat is Henry Harold.
The last guild located in the city was once known as the Thieves guild but over time eventually evolved into the Black Market.


Founded in 1551 by a group of sailors. The once hamlet eventually evolved into a central trade city of this half of the world, along with being rest stop for sailors between the mainland and the sea. Being built near the sea does have it's consequences. In the year 1758 Gozastal at the time known as Gozastala had a great flood that devastated the port of the city and flooded the homes of the resident. In order to help combat this in the future the city started to build its housing a bit off the ground; along with rebuilding farther back from the shore line.


Many traveling merchants pass through this city eager to set up trade deals; and exchange goods. These merchants tend to stay at the various taverns or brothels within the city.


The cities port crafted from stone that has it's sides stained from the ocean. It has wooden docks that float in the water branching off of it. The buildings near the dock area are structured to be like warehouse to store materials and other goods. Some other buildings are built big enough to contain certain ships. Near said buildings are wide slopes that make it easy to slide boats in and out of the water when needed. 
Besides be incased in by the mountain; the city is also encircled by the walls with a slight opening for boats to come in on the sea side. There are two big doors located on opposite sides leading to the forest that is more inland. 
 The residential housing of the city are all built in various ways, but they all have similar roof colors of blue or sea green. Almost all houses are built at least a foot off the ground to help deter against flooding. The one huge difference between housing is that the richer households tend to have a balcony that face towards the sea. 
Stores of this city tend to follow their own design; with the design of the store being completely left up to the store's owner.


Built along the edge of mountains and on the coast of the Cascin Sea.

Natural Resources

High abundance of Ore, and Shrimp with in the city, a dense forest nearby. Planet wise it also has a natural resources of mace, and nutmeg.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Gozreh's Coastal Mountain City(1551-1611), Gozastala(1611-2503)
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)

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