Demon Scale

"The substance of Demon Scale is a mysterious, hard yet slightly flexible material of the Demon Age and is almost always a white or off white color. The substance shows no sign of decay, rust or deteriorization despite being of tremendous age - from before The Tumult. None knows how it is made or where it may have come from originally. It is smooth, resists scratches, staining and heat, and is greasy to the touch. It has no taste. It may be drilled through or carved with much effort. Typically it is found in ancient crypts in rectangles that fit in the palm of the hand and thinner than half a finger thickness, though larger pieces have been found - such as those making up the Demon Scale Book. Certain wealthy persons have commissioned Demon Scale armor at a cost of 10,000 SP or more to make- and requiring a mass of Demon Scale. The Explorator Guild pays 10 sp per Demon Scale of the standard size and more for larger pieces, or unique colors. "
- "Treasures of the ancients" Kiri Goto Imperial Sage.

History & Usage

Everyday use

it may be used for cards or notes meant to last.  It is an excellent armor but each scale must be drilled and linked by metal or cord to a backing of leather or linked together.  Each Demon Scale is extraordinarily light weight for it's strength.   Sages have sought it for the preservation of copies of valuable texts, as insects do not bother it and even great heat has little effect upon it.


Trade & Market

Traders will purchase the material, as does the Explorator's guild- which is the largest source of supply.  Persons may hire adventurers or embark on their own expeditions to ancient ruins and crypts in search of this and other treasures, though they are well know to contain fearsome monsters and creatures, devilish traps and other hazards.
Typically white or off white. Rarely other colors have been found in small caches.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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