The Tumult

What we know of the ancient Demon Age, over ten thousand years ago is little. We are told by The Order of Heaven, Holy Church of Kuan that the Gods found the ancients evil and debased, and resolved to destroy the world, wipe out all that came before and remake it.   Great civilizations lived in what we now call the Kuan region. At the start of the Tumult, the entire world was rent and blasted. Reshaped. And what we have are scattered ruins, buried crypts, unfathomable relics and magics and a handful of beings- such as the Yokotua Kulni Priests of the Tan , that claim to have derived or dwelt in the ancient Demon Age and survived to our time. In the Crypts one may find mysterious Demon Scale such as is used as pages for Demon Scale Book. What legends have survived, passed down, reported or discovered say this: a great ball of fire and crystal fell from the skies and landed in what is now the Inner Sea. The blast was gigantic and rocked the land, sending ripples that sank lands, raised mountains and destroyed the ancient world. Much remains mystery and speculation. Some say that Arcane Crystal is ancient material from the Demon Age. Others that it is some Underworld deposit thrust up unto our world by the impact. The Moon People say that the Arcane Crystal is the shattered remains of one of the celestial crystal spheres between the world and the sky, something that was corrupted by one of their ancient evils and rejected by the Gods. This, they say, is the source of the Corruption still carried by the crystals. The Dwarves tell of Belili Samsuiluna, the first Dwarf a being of flesh and clockwork that servived the Tumult and was tasked with a quest by one of The Sidereal Fae. The Tumult period of the blast, great floods, the rains of fire and stone, the darkness of years and the rise of the mountains flowing with fire and lava lasted nearly 2000 years before the earliest tribes again recorded history.
Mijo Tzichi Imperial scholar Imperial College, 33rd year of the 7th Yellow Jade Emperor Juva (Imp 887, Taurien year 6670)
"The Demon Age and the Fall of the Ancient World"


Taurien carvings in the eastern mountains depict a great fireball and the land blasting outward in all directions from it's impact.   Yokotua Kulni Priests say the world shook with earthquakes, shaken as a blanket shaken between two persons.  Dwarven legend says all was cracked, shattered and covered in flame and ash.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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